Pre-IPO´s bzw. Neuemissionen, national und intern.

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Pre-IPO´s bzw. Neuemissionen, national und intern.

16.07.05 14:11

Diamanten Exploration, ein sehr interesanter Wert, siehe Thread Diamanten, Notierung in England evt. auch bei uns.

Hot New Pre-IPOs in 2005

New Pre IPO: Diamond Exploration company with a potential world class deposit

Cornhill Asset Management Ltd is a specialist advisor that focuses on bringing institutional quality issues to the experienced investor. We specialise in finding stocks with explosive upside potential in the natural resources sector, a sector which has experienced a fantastic rise over the last 18 months as a result of strong commodity prices. As an uncompromising long-term bull of commodity prices, we are of the opinion that the second half of this year offers just as much potential as last year for opportunities in this sector and as such, we are currently involved in the pre-IPO stage of a Diamond company, which we believe could be one of the top performers of 2005.

2004 & 2005 IPO and Placing Performance

StockExchangePlacing PriceCurrent Price%Return
Asia EnergyAIM75p530p+606%
Gryphon MineralsASX20c21.5c+7.5%
Oilex (2nd Placing)ASX83c27c-70%
River DiamondsAIM2.5p1.625p-32%
Peter Hambro GoldAIM400p648.75p+62.1%
Falklands Oil & GasAIM40p120.5p+201.25%
Falklands Gold & MineralsAIM40p35p-12.5%
Subsea Resources*AIM20p27.5p+53.4%**
Golden Dynasty*TSX8.3c***12c***+53.75%**
Platinum MiningAIM22p14p-40.9%
Average return+67.8%
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