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LinkProximus Group Q1 underlying revenue growing by +5.9% YoY.
Double-digit direct margin growth for international segments Telesign and BICS, respectively +14.2% and +12.7% in Q1.
Domestic revenue +4.8% to EUR 1,149 million in Q1, with Residential revenue up +5.9% and Business revenue + 6.2%.
Fiber strategy further scaling: 23% population coverage and 288,000 activated Fiber lines end-March 2023.
Customer bases further growing for Internet (+11,000), Mobile postpaid (+ 10,000) and convergence (+14,000), net TV customer loss remains contained (-12,000).
As anticipated, inflationary cost increases lowered underlying Domestic EBITDA, -3.4% year-on-year, with Group underlying EBITDA -3.5% YoY.
Capex for the first quarter was EUR 312 million, adjusted FCF EUR -79 million.
Reiterating guidance for full-year 2023.
In line with the bold2025 strategy and deriving shareholder return policy, Proximus intends to return over the result of 2023 a stable gross dividend of EUR 1.20 per share, provided a financial performance delivery in line with its strategic plan.
Heisst Ende Jahr gibt es nochmals 0.5 EUR Dividende und ab 2023 gibt es 0.6 EUR Dividende.