Santa Cruz, wieder im Aufwind !!!

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Santa Cruz, wieder im Aufwind !!!

06.06.00 16:02
Informix Dynamic Server.2000 Now Certified For SCO-UnixWare 7 NonStop Clusters

                            SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 6, 2000--

                            Informix's Flagship Server for the i.Economy and the Internet

                            Optimized for SCO's Clustering Software, Providing Unparalleled

                            Availability and Scalability on Intel Processor-based Servers

                            Informix(R) Corporation (NASDAQ:IFMX), the technology leader in software infrastructure for the
                            i.Economy, and the Server Software Division of SCO (NASDAQ:SCOC), the world's leading provider of
                            UNIX server operating systems, announced today that Informix Dynamic Server.2000(TM), Informix's
                            flagship server for the i.Economy and the Internet, has been certified for UnixWare 7 NonStop Clusters.
                            The Informix and SCO solution runs on Compaq ProLiant Servers.

                            "Informix is pleased to be partnering with SCO and Compaq to deliver Informix Dynamic Server.2000 on
                            SCO's high availability clustering software and Compaq ProLiant Servers," said Dr. Brian Staff, director,
                            product marketing, Foundation.2000 for Informix. "UnixWare 7 NonStop Clusters provides Informix
                            Dynamic Server.2000 users a rock-solid foundation for all types of business-critical computing, as well as the emerging new breed of
                            eBusinesses. We have been working closely with SCO and Compaq to test Informix Dynamic Server.2000 on UnixWare 7 NonStop
                            Clusters. The end result is a powerful, highly available and cost-effective enterprise system, coupled with fail-over and load balancing.
                            This is an attractive solution for today's emerging i.Economy companies."

                            "E-commerce and the Internet continue to drive up the requirements for high availability and better network management," said Dave
                            Cuss, vice president, WW Alliances, SCO Server Division. "With the combination of UnixWare 7 NonStop Clusters and Informix
                            Dynamic Server.2000, customers now have a much easier way to manage these complex business-critical environments, where
                            system failures or downtime could cost millions." About Informix Dynamic Server.2000

                            Informix Dynamic Server.2000 is the database server at the heart of Informix Foundation.2000(TM), the company's high performance,
                            fully extensible data and content management platform for the Internet. Informix Dynamic Server.2000 delivers an industry-proven
                            transaction engine for mission-critical applications, while providing an upgrade path to the Internet. Capable of supporting thousands
                            of concurrent users, Informix Dynamic Server.2000 delivers maximum reliability, availability and scalability to power the largest
                            transaction processing systems. About UnixWare 7 NonStop Clusters

                            UnixWare 7 NonStop Clusters provides totally dependable access to business-critical data and applications. UnixWare 7 NonStop
                            Clusters software links together individual "nodes"--whole computers--such that they act and appear as a single UnixWare 7 system.
                            With support for up to 12 nodes, UnixWare 7 NonStop Clusters can scale to meet the demands of virtually any growing business.
                            About SCO

                            SCO (NASDAQ:SCOC) is a global leader in server-based software for networked business computing. The market-leading UNIX
                            server software from SCO runs non-stop businesses worldwide. The Tarantella family of software products provides instant Web
                            access to applications running on all leading servers, enabling businesses to access and manage information anywhere, anytime.
                            SCO Professional Services help businesses plan, deploy and maintain UNIX, Linux and Tarantella environments. Visit SCO on the
                            Web at About Informix

                            Informix Software is the technology leader in software infrastructure solutions for the Internet--providing a fast, simple and complete
                            way to bring businesses to the Web. Based in Menlo Park, Calif., Informix is the first and only company to integrate e-commerce and
                            business intelligence on a true Internet infrastructure. The company's highly scalable Web engines, together with its personalized
                            content management, real-time analytics and media asset management capabilities, offer customers a unique competitive advantage.
                            For more information, contact the nearest sales office or visit the Web site at (c)2000 Informix Corporation. All
                            rights reserved. The following are trademarks of Informix Corporation or its affiliates, one or more of which may be registered in the
                            U.S. or other jurisdictions: Informix(R), Foundation.2000(TM)and Informix Dynamic Server(TM).2000.

PS: Das heißt wohl das der Markt für Santa Cruz sich erheblich vergrößert hat , was auch die Kurssprünge der letzten zwei Handelstage erklären würde !!!
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