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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~silverstockreport.com Newsletter November 21, 2005 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-- Gold, Copper, Silver News!-- My Stock Picks (promotions)!-- Bible Verses on how to Manage Money This email is going out to 17,101 subscribers. If you do not wish to receive my emails, please unsubscribe at the bottom of this email. |
Gold, Copper, Silver News! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Last week, Bill Murphy wrote a summary of The Manipulation Of The Gold Market: www.gata.org/Murphy111605.htm I strongly suggest you read that link. There are several MAJOR developing news stories that all indicate that Gold and Silver will head much higher in price. It appears that the recent rise in gold & silver could be attributed to any one of them! Here is a summary of them: There is a copper shortage; and a possible impending copper default! The world copper inventory is down to two days use, due to "just in time" inventory, and a bias by "regulators" against longs which prevents intelligent stockpiling. A Chinese State copper trader sold up to 200,000 tonnes of copper in futures; selling copper he did not have. China says they are not obligated to pay; other traders say that is nonsense. Selling physical metal that does not exist is not only a problem for the copper futures market. Palladium traders defaulted on their futures at $1000/oz. several years ago, in 2001. Watch this copper story develop; defaults will cause people to want the real thing, and not promises; and this means that gold and silver could go up in price. But it's not just copper. Every one of the base metals have increased. They all are making new highs... Experienced traders have never seen this kind of a swing, ever. Why now? The population has more than doubled since 1950: From 2.5 billion people, to over 6 billion today. These people are ready to compete with the industrialized world. China is building an infrastructure. A Silver shortage is also feared. See my press release here: biz.yahoo.com/prnews/051027/clth528.html?.v=8 The Silver User's Association claims that the proposed Silver Exchanged Traded Fund, which needs 130 million ounces of silver, will cause a silver shortage. This is about $1 billion worth of silver, a tiny sum in financial terms. This means that silver will likely go up in price, as investors love a shortage, which, itself can cause higher prices. Add investor demand to the mix, and silver prices will soon head much, much higher. The Fed, by early 2006, will no longer report M3 statistics (which is how much money is in the U.S. banking system, currently about $10 trillion); and Bernanke, the inflationist, will soon be at the helm of the Fed. Ben Bernanke is known as "helicopter Ben" due to his flippant remarks that the Fed could prevent deflation by dropping cash into cities from helicopters! But seriously, Dr. Gary North, famous theologian and gold advocate, noted that Bernanke wrote in a paper three years ago that the Fed could buy up stocks, bonds, housing, and even gold mines, to prevent asset deflation. This is all highly inflationary, meaning the $22 trillion in bonds will go down in value as interest rates go up, and as gold and silver go up. Several central banks state they will be buying gold: Russia, South Africa, South Korea, Argentina; while other banks hint at buying gold: China, Japan, etc. The U.S. government will soon force companies to pay pension obligations. The Senate just passed pension regulation reform. GM's pension is under-funded by $31 billion, says the New York Times this weekend! GM has only $19 billion in cash, and is losing $4 billion per year, as they are losing $1500 per car sold, and GM is losing market share. If GM goes bankrupt (and they are technically bankrupt now) then about $300 billion in bonds default! What will that mean? GM stock will be worthless, and the bondholders will own GM, which may be worth less than $30 billion, so bondholders stand to lose more than 90%. A $300 billion default in the bond market is huge; and could inspire up to $1 trillion invested in bonds to sell for something else that cannot default; such as gold and silver. The annual demand for physical gold stands at about 5000 tonnes annually; at $500/oz., that's about $80 billion dollars. Imagine if gold demand went up over ten fold, to $800 billion worth? Gold is going up! And silver will outpace gold due to the silver shortage. Over 95% of all gold ever mined is still with us. About 90% of silver mined has been consumed. Silver stocks now are dirt cheap! Ever since April, 2004, when silver topped out at $8.40, the silver stocks have gone down. The market does not seem to believe that silver prices are headed higher! It seems as if traders left the metals, and invested in oil stocks. But oil is now way too expensive as compared to silver, since historically, you could buy a barrel of oil with one or two ounces of silver. If you like oil, you should buy silver and silver stocks now, while they are cheap, because silver has to slingshot upwards in price just to catch up. And I think silver will exceed oil, due to the silver shortage, and inflation, and collapse in the bond, housing, and stock markets. No, you can't eat silver, but you can't eat stocks or bonds, either. |
My Stock Picks (promotions)! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~People are always asking me to give them stock picks! Sure! Here's four favorite companies that I'd tell my mom to buy tomorrow if she asked me: First company: Market Cap: $34 million, U.S. Cash on hand: $<$1 million. Has a lease: The value of the reserves, the minerals in the ground: $45 billion, U.S. Has a positive Feasibility Study showing that about 85% of the value of the ore will be mined at a profit! That's 85% of $45 billion, or $38 billion! The company needs to raise about $400 million to unlock that $38,000 million in profit! To get the name of this company, sign up to the look at my portfolio at silverstockreport.com. Second company: Market Cap $37 million, U.S. Cash on hand: $14 million, U.S. Buildings & Infrastructure: $100 million, U.S. Value of the minerals in the ground: $3.7 billion, U.S. Value of the rock: $336/ton! Value of each metal, at today's prices, compared to the others: 53% zinc, 27% lead, 14% silver, 6% copper. Zinc prices hit new highs at $.74/lb, and zinc inventories are dropping. The company needs to raise about $20 million to start mining, and has 5/6 permits needed. I'd be happy to tell you the name of this company, it's in my portfolio at silverstockreport.com. Third company: Market Cap $40 million, U.S. Cash on hand: $<$1 million. Has a lease on many silver properties: Total oz. about 550 million oz. of silver, worth, at $8.13/oz., about $4.5 billion. Owns a famous historic silver mine needing refurbishment. I own this one too. Just look at my portfolio at silverstockreport.com. Fourth company: Market Cap: 42 million, U.S. Cash on hand: $<$1 million. Owns an exploration property that may be the largest copper porphyry in the world, located in Montana, U.S.A. Has several of the largest mining companies in the world currently very interested. Has no interest in selling out too soon, and plans to sell at a high premium in a few years after doing a bit more exploration. This stock is my largest holding. If you really did your research, and were a regular reader of my full silver stock report, you'd probably be able to figure out the names of these 4 companies. My last full FREE silver stock report, containing names and market caps, was produced in July: www.silverstockreport.com/reports/silverstockreport57.html |
Bible Verses on how to Manage Money ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Excerpt from: Bible Verses on how to Manage Money www.bibleprophesy.org/goldismoney/biblemoney.html Why do we need to look at Bible Verses on how to Manage Money? Because your money is not your own. It all belongs to God. Haggai 2:8 All silver and gold belong to me, [says the Lord God] Psalm 24:1 The earth is the LORD's, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. 1 Corinthians 10:26 For the earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof. Even the kings and kingdoms of the earth belong to the Lord, The Lord God owns it all! 2 Chronicles 36:23 Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia, All the kingdoms of the earth hath the LORD God of heaven given me; and he hath charged me to build him an house in Jerusalem, which is in Judah. Who is there among you of all his people? The LORD his God be with him, and let him go up. Daniel 4:17 This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men. see also Daniel 4:25 & 4:32. Romans 13:1 Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Psalm 75:6-7 For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another. But why are there bad politicians? Because God gives us what we deserve. We reap what we sow! Therefore, we'd better be good if we want good rulers, and if we want God to bless us. God will trust you with His wealth if you are trustworthy and obedient to his laws. Be faithful over a little, and God will give you more--even rulership! Proverbs 13:22 If you obey God, you will have something to leave your grandchildren. If you don't obey God, those who live right will get what you leave. Luke 16:10 Anyone who can be trusted in little matters can also be trusted in important matters. But anyone who is dishonest in little matters will be dishonest in important matters. 11 If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches? 12 And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another man's, who shall give you that which is your own? Luke 19:17 "That's fine, my good servant!" the king said. "Since you have shown that you can be trusted with a small amount, you will be given ten cities to rule." Since we are God's stewards, we must invest our money (God's money) in ways that God instructs. ------------------------ To subscribe to this silver stock report, send a blank email to: subscribe@silverstockreport.com Every now and then, I run across a good private placement opportunity. I have not shared any yet in 2005. If you are an accredited investor, (generally having over $1 million net worth), and would like me to send you an email about private placement opportunities, send a blank email to: pp@silverstockreport.com To contact me, write me at j@silverstockreport.com |
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