Sniper Resources - Gute Einstiegschance!!

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Sniper Resources - Gute Einstiegschance!!

23.03.11 16:12
The Founder and President is Mr.Scott D. Baxter, who was also President and CEO of Tone Resources Ltd. (TNS.V),which was acquired by Robert McEwen's US Gold Corp.(UXG). Scott was the founder of Tone Resources and was responsible for the funding of the company. He has over 20 years experience in gold exploration in Nevada.

Sniper's co-founder and Vice President of Exploration is Douglas H. McGibbon, formerly Chief Geologist with Rayrock Mines, Inc. and Glamis Gold's (now Goldcorp) Marigold Mining Company. Doug is credited with discovering more than 10 million ounces Au, and has 27 years of exploration experience in the Nevada gold country.

Sniper presently controls three properties, which are known as Overland Pass, Guild, and ReHot. In total they comprise a total of 218 lode mining claims, or about 4360 acres. Each of the properties has excellent potential for hosting economic deposits.

Overland Pass is located about 60 miles south of Elko, on the Carlin Trend and immediately adjacent to Barrick's multi-million ounce Bald Mountain Mine, which is presently in operation as well as being the focus of recently-expanded exploration activity by Barrick.

Guild is about 50 miles east of Tonopah, and is also a Carlin-type target, with ore grade Au in jasperoid present at both ends of the property and geochemistry suggests a Carlin-type mineralizing system.

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>1x bewertet


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Sniper European response very positive

24.03.11 08:58
3374 West 19th Avenue
Vancouver, British Columbia V6S 1C2
Telephone: (604) 263-5614
Facsimile: (604) 263-8415

Sniper European Response Very Positive

Scott Baxter, President and CEO of Sniper Resources Ltd, has just returned from an encouraging trip to Frankfurt, Germany. The purpose of Mr. Baxter's trip was to create awareness of the Sniper Resources story to a commonly receptive European audience. After one of Scott's appearances at a firm in Frankfurt, he was requested to return so that pictures could be taken with him and the firm's employees and top investors. The group in Frankfurt were the most sophisticated investors ever encountered by Sniper Resources Management.

For more information, please contact

Sniper Resources Ltd.
Scott Baxter
(604) 263-5614 or Toll free: 1-888-737-2454
(604) 263-8415 (FAX)

Company's website (

To stop receiving further information from Sniper Resources, please visit the following.
Copyright Sniper Resources All Rights Reserved.

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24.03.11 11:49
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - March 24, 2011) - Sniper Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:SIP) (the "Company") is pleased to announce the completion of its drill program at the Guild Property.

Ten holes accessible to a truck mounted rig were drilled in December 2010 and January 2011. Eleven additional holes were drilled during February and March 2011 using a track mounted MPD-1500 drill rig owned by Boart-Longyear, of Elko, Nevada. The total footage drilled during the program is 11,810, or 3,600 m.

Samples were submitted to ALS-Chemex for assaying by Fire with AA finish, and selected samples were submitted for geochemical analysis. All results have been received for GI-01 through GI-17, partial results for GI-18 and -19, and all results for GI-20 and -21 are pending. Check assays will be performed once all initial results from the samples plus selected fill-ins have been received as well as the geochemical results.

Summary of drilling results to date:

Three holes (GI-11, -16, and -17) were drilled in an area (the Trench Zone) that has returned up to 1,105 ppb (0.032 oz/ton) Au in a surface grab sample that was taken previously by Sniper. Assay values for significant lengths in these holes are similar to gold values that are being processed by many run of mine heap leach operations in Nevada presently. The rocks in the holes are well oxidized and mineralization begins at surface. Indicator elements typical of "Carlin type" deposits are highly anomalous in the holes as well, and vein barite is present on the surface.

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Das waren sehr..

30.03.11 17:20
Gute Bohrergebnisse, jetzt geht es bald nordwärts! Wie immer bei Scott Baxter!
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