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Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948

Beiträge: 24.492
Zugriffe: 5.906.473 / Heute: 2.726
Bougainville Coppe. 0,278 € -2,46% Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   -52,88%

immer ausblenden

28.10.14 22:06
das ist gut, kann ich nur unterstützen :-)


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so ist eine

28.10.14 22:07
friedliche Koexistenz gesichert :-) Hirschi, in der Armee nennen sie das "friendly fire" hahaha, macht doch nichts... links rein rechts raus, N8

..Nekro: Danke dafür .....

28.10.14 23:36

...Psychologe scheint tatsächlich der Beruf der Zukunft zu werden. lol ;-))))

Gelöschter Beitrag. Einblenden »


....weiß noch jemand....

29.10.14 09:08

...den Sachverhalt : ausländische Orders werden an der ASX am nächsten Tag wieder gelöscht? So oder so so ähnlich  wurde das mal hier gepostet. ;-)))


29.10.14 10:03
....allerdings wird die Order zur Eröffnung am nächsten Tag wieder eingestellt.Das bedeutet aber dass die Order dann an letzter Stelle steht
Mein  MULTIBAGGER Favorit B?C ;-)))))

angenehm ruhig

29.10.14 13:46
geworden, die ... scheinen weiter gezogen

meine Orders

29.10.14 14:03
über Interactive Brokers bleiben immer im  Orderbuch.

@ traderevil

30.10.14 00:36
werden deine orders trotz ultimo gültigkeit geloscht?
nach 1 tag? das wäre sehr ungewöhnlich.....
oder hast du unrealistische orders gestellt?

Mine Watch

30.10.14 05:53
New post on Papua New Guinea Mine Watch
ABG AusAID Advisor, Anthony Regan, Slams Central Bougainville Leadership
by ramunickel

Anthony ReganIn an extraordinary break from his 'neutral' role as Australian aid funded adviser to the ABG, Anthony Regan has launched an extensive attack on elected leaders from central Bougainville in an Australian journal, Security Challenges [see link below].

According to Regan no-one on Bougainville opposed to Rio Tinto for its past misconduct has pure motives, they are all in the pay of backdoor players!

He claims Lawrence Daveona 'the executive of the  Panguna Special Mining Lease landowners association, has come under the  influence of an adviser [David Martin] from the United States. They too support Panguna  re-opening, but oppose BCL, mainly on the basis that the adviser claims to  be able to raise the approximately US$6 billion need to re-open the mine,  which would permit the Panguna landowners to own the mine lease'.

Regan has also suggested that the central Bougainville MP's concerns over environment and landowner trauma is nothing but a trick. He argues, 'the Member of PNG Parliament for Central Bougainville, Hon. Jimmy Miringtoro, wants the Panguna mine to re-open, he favours his own candidate company to replace BCL'.

Not finished, Regan also goes after the Me'ekamui Government of Unity - 'The Me’ekamui Government of Unity, based at Panguna, also opposes the re-opening of Panguna, mainly because in the absence of large-scale mining there, the leaders have been entering, or attempting to enter, a range of agreements with foreign interests, in which they have purported to grant long-term rights over minerals in various parts of central Bougainville'.

It does not stop there. According to Regan, the only ones who are pure of  heart in their criticism of Rio Tinto are OUTSIDERS - but he claims, these outsiders are too stupid to realise they are being used by the backdoor players to help rob Rio Tinto of its Panguna gold.

He argues,  'From early 2013, when public discussion first emerged about ABG development of "transitional" mining legislations, a curious and perhaps to some extent unwitting "alliance" developed between the outside mining interests and their Bougainvillean partners, on the one hand, and PNG and Australian activists on the other'.

He suggests, 'none of these activists [critical of Rio Tinto] have long and deep connections to Bougainville, nor detailed understanding of the current problems and pressures facing Bougainville, they have perhaps unwittingly developed alliances with outside interests seeking to get control of mining and mining revenues for their own benefit, and contrary to the interests of Bougainville'.

This narrative created by Regan which claims outsider critics of Rio Tinto are pure in motives but thick, while all Bougainvillean opponents of Rio Tinto, are on the payroll of backdoor players, is an insult to all those who fought and died fighting Rio Tinto for reasons OTHER than money. He doesnt understand land and culture are worth more than money.

Will the ABG President finally come out and condemn these attacks on his constituents and colleagues?  Enough is enough!

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Daveona - David Martin

30.10.14 08:55
An sich der interessanteste Abschnitt:

He claims Lawrence Daveona 'the executive of the  Panguna Special Mining Lease landowners association, has come under the  influence of an adviser [David Martin] from the United States. They too support Panguna  re-opening, but oppose BCL, mainly on the basis that the adviser claims to  be able to raise the approximately US$6 billion need to re-open the mine,  which would permit the Panguna landowners to own the mine lease'.

Erklärt die Rolle von David Martin und outet Daveona!

Für mich sieht der Fall so aus, Rio Tinto wird dem neuen Gesetzentwurf nicht zustimmen,
da Daveona gar nicht an BCL als Minenbetreiber interessiert ist, wird er in mgl. Verhandlungen alle Angebote ablehnen und seinen favorisierten Player ins Spiel bringen.

Andersherum würde Rio Tinto dem neuen Gesetzentwurf zustimmen, hätten sie das Risiko wenn sie sich nicht mit den Landeignern/ABG einig können, stehen sie am Ende mit leere Händen da und hätten keine rechtliche Handhabe mehr dagegen!

Für uns Aktionäre würde dies eine verlängerte Wartezeit bedeuten, welche sich
im akutellen Kursverlauf abzeichnet.
Hoffen wir, dass es nicht so weit kommt!

... #19309...

30.10.14 09:59

@ willi.... weder noch, es geht mir hierbei wie auch jeder auf:   mitverfolgen  konnte, um das seit Wochen fast gleiche Grundmuster bei 30  u.  32 das sich dann zu Handelsbeginn regelmäßig ändert durch die (mit  an Sicherheit grenzender Wahrscheinlichkeit aus dem Ausland) Verkaufs Orders in der Spannbreite von ca. 30c bis 45c.;-))


30.10.14 10:26 welcher Stelle darf man hier sicher sein das es kein nur pokern um den größtmöglichen Einfluss

in Zukunft geht??

Diese sich wiederholenden Argumente, eine Spannbreite aus folkloristischen Standpunkten  im Gegensatz zum Fortschritt in eine modernere autarke Gesellschaft mit BCL lesen wir doch immer.
Nur aktueller Stand der Dinge/Fakten fehlen.

auf HC geistern solche Texte : (heute neu)

I spoke to a mate in PNG (in the know and in the mining game including liaising in northern bourgainville) and he told me prior to Friday (i think i spoke to him on Wednesday last week) he had heard the mining leases were being cancelled for BCL.

Downunderminder, if i knew how to short (im sure its easy i just have never done it) I would have shorted this at 60c when I was calling a sell on the stock.

Ive mentioned many times before, this could (and now looks likely to) be valued for its liquid assets (investments they have). I would put no value on the PNG tax assets as they'll likely never see the benefit of that.

Downunderminer.. its been you and I as the lone voices of reason here... Hailtech has been the only one with a 'buy' sentiment that has actually been interested in our (ie, people with PNG and Bougainville experience) experience and the points we raise.

..und  ich bin sicher da kommt noch einiges. ;-)))))



30.10.14 11:01
Was findest Du gut an dem Text?

...da finde ich gar nichts gut...

30.10.14 11:08

...schon gar nicht solche Stellen :  ... had heard the mining leases were being cancelled for BCL....


@ lofp + trader

30.10.14 11:11
wenn alle sagen, verkaufen... wir nix mehr......
eigentlich macht man ja genau das gegenteil dann.

du meinst ja diese beiden "türme", die da immer so stehen.
mit 50k oder auch mal 100k. okay, die sehe ich natürlich auch.
was gibt dir denn den so klaren glauben oder wissen, dass es
nicht aus australien oder png kommt? mit ausland meinst du europa?
oder usa?

...@willi da hast du etwas falsch verstanden..

30.10.14 11:31

.... 50k oder auch mal 100k. ..... AUS

- 30 - 45 ...>  wo auch immer her.

---daraus folgt:  das Interesse zu verk. an der Heimatbörse könnte eher gering sein bei einer anscheinend doch etwas anderen Sichtweise auf die Dinge. ;-))))  

schon klar, du meinst, diese

30.10.14 11:47
türme sollen deckeln..... oder was habe ich deiner meinung nach falsch verstanden?
bitte dann klarer sprechen.
aber woher nimmst du die gewissheit, dass diese deckel aus dem ausland kommen?
und was meinst du mit ausland? frug ich zuvor schon...... europa? usa?

...@ willi OK. ;-)))..

30.10.14 12:10

....bitte bei  100k. .....  ´´=´´  AUS einfügen.




das ist der Ansatz bei dieser Überlegung. ;-)))


trader, kauf du doch mal die türme weg.....

30.10.14 18:48
oder sonst einer. ideen hätte ich ja. so preiswert war es lange nicht.

ABG Radio COME on air

31.10.14 07:24
31. Oktober
By Aloysius Laukai

The Autonomous Bougainville Government’s Bureau of Media and Communications has bought a Suitcase radio that will be used to carry out awareness throughout Bougainville.
This is despite the ABG signing an MOU for a 60/40 Content agreement with the National Broadcasting Corporation at the beginning of this year to carry out awareness on the NBC Bougainville network.
Following this MOU a support grant of FOUR MILLION KINA was pledged to support NBC Buka to reach the entire region.
The FM radio similar to the one used by the Bougainville Revolutionary Army, Radio Free Bougainville during the height of the Bougainville conflict will be moved from locations to locations to carry their awareness program.
According to reports gathered by New Dawn FM this is funded with TWO MILLION KINA by Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (AUSAID) (DFAT).
The new radio CALLED “Radio PLES LAIN” will be launched at the BEL ISI PARK on November 6 and 7th, 2014.
They have been testing their signals in Buka on 98.6 Megahertz on the FM BAND.
Meanwhile New Dawn FM a local radio operating from Buka since 2008 has signed a grant deed agreement with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation to Produce, screen and distribute six awareness videos in Tok Pidgin language to raise awareness about missing persons, war widows, government corruption and the three pillars of the Bougainville Peace Agreement



Australian soldiers clear over six tonnes...

03.11.14 12:14
...........of explosives from World War II battle site at Bougainville

By Papua New Guinea correspondent Liam Cochrane

Updated about 5 hours agoMon 3 Nov 2014, 6:12am
An Australian Army soldier examines World War II munitions uncovered by his Explosive Ordnance Disposal team during Operation RENDER SAFE 2014. Photo: Australian soldiers have cleared unexploded grenades and mortars left on Bougainville after World War Two. (ADF: CPL Matthew Bickerton)
Related Story: Major bomb disposal operation underway in Solomons
Map: Bougainville

Australian soldiers have cleared more than six tonnes of unexploded hand grenades and mortars from a World War II battle site on the island of Bougainville, east of Papua New Guinea.

The huge haul of munitions came in just the first week of Operation Render Safe 2014.

The Australian-led international mission is clearing potentially deadly munitions from the villages and food gardens around Torokina, on the west coast of Bougainville.

The Australian Army said the sheer amount of rusty old munitions surprised even seasoned explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) experts.

"They are mostly two-inch-high explosive mortars and hand grenades, in varying conditions, left in place after the war," EOD operator Warrant Officer Class Two David Austin said.

An Allied air base was built at Torokina by the US in 1943 and was the launching place for Australian ground attacks against the Japanese in 1944-1945.

More than 500 Australians died and 1,500 were injured in the Bougainville campaign.

Seventy years later, the Australian army has returned to clean up the deadly remnants of war.

More than 500 Australian military personnel are involved in Operation Render Safe 2014, with support from HMAS Choules, an MRH90 helicopter, landing craft and amphibious vehicles.  

With little infrastructure at Torokina, soldiers have landed vehicles on the beach and trekked into the jungle to look for unexploded ordinance.

Despite five months of awareness-building activities, there were criticisms of the munitions clearance by some former combatants in the more recent conflict on Bougainville.

Australia's role on Bougainville is still a sensitive issue due to the civil war in the 1990s, sparked by disputes over the Panguna mine, operated by Rio Tinto subsidiary Bougainville Copper Limited.

"Former combatants have said that this operation is a breach of the Bougainville Peace Agreement, but I had explained to them that the operation... enhances the peace that the people of Torokina want," said Patrick Nisira, vice-president of the autonomous government of Bougainville.
Local police help soldiers locate storage pits
The Army said the sheer amount of rusty old munitions surprised even seasoned explosive ordnance disposal experts. Photo: The Army said the sheer amount of rusty old munitions surprised even seasoned explosive ordnance disposal experts. (CPL Matthew Bickerton)

Australian army personnel said the reception on the ground had been friendly.

"The people of Bougainville have been most welcoming and we have been working very closely with them to identify explosive remnants of war which pose a threat to local communities," operation commander Captain Jay Bannister said.

Members of the Bougainville Police Service and locals have helped soldiers locate the munitions storage pits, with assistance from explosives experts from the US, UK, Canada, News Zealand and Solomon Islands.

"As well as helping the community, this is a great training opportunity for the younger EOD guys," Mr Austin said.

"For the past 10 years we have been focused on the Middle East region but this gets us back to the grass roots fundamentals of our job."

The mortars and hand grenades were stacked in pits and destroyed by a controlled blast.

Operation Render Safe 2014 will end on 8 November.  

Previous Operation Render Safe missions have removed unexploded ordnance from Solomon Islands and Rabaul in Papua New Guinea.

Topics: defence-and-national-security, defence-forces, world-war-2, bougainville

First posted about 6 hours ago
Mein  MULTIBAGGER Favorit B?C ;-)))))

in stuttgart will einer 80000 shares haben.

03.11.14 12:25
wäre ein guter einstand, sollte es ein erstkauf sein.....
aber eines ist mir noch immer unklar. da schrieb ja einer von kursen
3-5 cent um die jahrtausendwende...... wie konnte es denn so tief gehen,
wenn doch die rücklagen sicher auch damals weitaus höher je share waren?
oder stammen diese rücklagen nicht aus den 80er jahren?

@ willi

03.11.14 14:29
Der Cashbestand resultiert aus den Dividenden von an der ASX angelegten Geldern.
Mein  MULTIBAGGER Favorit B?C ;-)))))
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