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Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948

Beiträge: 24.552
Zugriffe: 6.166.159 / Heute: 1.438
Bougainville Coppe. 0,212 € -7,83% Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   -63,95%

weiterhin beachtlicher Umsatz bei RTG

21.12.17 09:47
Hat jemand News?
Aber gut, hohe Umsätze gab es bei BOC auch schon...


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" PNG will pay a total $US132 million dollars"

21.12.17 11:32
Mein  MULTIBAGGER Favorit BOC ;-)))))
Ice-Nine comi.:

re #21578

22.12.17 08:44

Paukenschlag zu Weihnachten.... wow!

RTG -17% heute Nacht bei 4,4 Mio gehandelten Stk!

22.12.17 10:18

Also RTG ist raus!

22.12.17 10:25
RTG ist damit raus, für BOC geht es aber auch erstmal nicht so schnell voran.
Im Grunde ist es aber ein guter Schachzug, um evtl. doch alle Beteiligen für BOC zu gewinnen,
falls Sie denn wollen. Es liegt nun an der Bevölkerung und den Landeignern.
Wie die Unabhängigkeit 2019 nun klappen soll  ohne Mining erschließt sich mir nicht.
Momis sagte auch immer, das Mining eine wichtige Voraussetzung für die Unabhängigkeit ist.

State on Panguna Mine

22.12.17 11:20

By Aloysius Laukai/Press Release
The President of the Autonomous Bougainville Government, CHIEF DR.JOHN MOMIS has announced that the Bougainville Executive Council in its meeting today, (Wednesday) made a thoughtful and considered decision to impose an indefinite reservation moratorium from any exploration or mining over Panguna project in the best interest of the landowners and the people of Bougainville, after debating over the advice from the Bougainville Mining Advisory Council.
It is with much regret that the basic requirement for obtaining the landowners consent under the Bougainville Mining Act 2015 could not be met.
The voice of the Panguna landowners was clearly heard during the Mining warden hearing that decided in a narrow divide between those supporting the mine to be opened by BCL and those that oppose.
Further to this, to develop the mine today by any other developer will be untenable under current circumstances.
Hence we will not allow this project once again to reignite the wounds of the Bougainville crisis and distract our focus for restoring peace and our preparation for our referendum in 2019.
Whilst imposing this moratorium over the Panguna project, MOMIS says that his government will continue to consult with the Panguna landowners and the people of Bougainville on an appropriate arrangement or best alternative models of development of the mine if the people still have an appetite to develop the mine in the future.


22.12.17 11:41

By Aloysius Laukai/Press Release
The President of the Autonomous Bougainville Government, CHIEF DR.JOHN MOMIS has announced.................. to develop the mine today by any other developer will be untenable under current circumstances.........
....... :-)

Unabhängigkeit 2019 ?

22.12.17 11:49

Nach der bisherigen Leistung der "denkenden Köpfe" von Bougainville, sollte man eine Verschiebung der Unabhängigkeit in die Jahre nach 2019 immer auf dem Radar haben.

Gleichwohl hoffe ich, dass mein Investment in BCL in 2018 besser läuft als die letzten Jahre.


eher 2119

22.12.17 22:01
Ice-Nine comi.:

Has Momis admitted defeat?

23.12.17 06:35
Conscious of old wounds, Bougainville halts mine development Radio New Zealand | 23 December 2017 Bougainville is to put on hold any new development at the controversial Panguna copper mine. The mine was the catalyst for the civil war in the Papua New Guinea region and has been shut down for nearly 2 ...

....ich finde die Wortwahl von Dr. Momis.....

23.12.17 09:54

....schon sehr weise. Jetzt müßte (also gemessen an den hiesigen Vorgehensweisen) begleitend, ......eine verstärkte Aufklärungskampagne ......die alle Ebenen erfasst...... beginnen.  

....and more informative......

24.12.17 10:01

   ...... It was a general post info without my personal opinion

   If it makes you feel better, here is the last paragraph, solo in its own post..........


Ice-Nine comi.:

Es scheint so, dass ....

27.12.17 02:43
... der eine oder andere die Momis Entscheidung heute an der ASX als Anlass fur den Ausstieg aus BCL-Aktien nimmt. Der Umsatz zieht anfänglich zumindest was an bei fallenden Kursen ...

Schaun mer mal...  
Ice-Nine comi.:

BCL statement

27.12.17 02:45

....Full ban on exploration and mining............

27.12.17 09:00


December 26, 2017


The Bougainville Executive Council has made “a thoughtful and considered” decision to impose an indefinite reservation moratorium from any exploration or mining over Panguna, according to Bougainville President John Momis.
“This is in the best interest of the landowners and the people of Bougainville after debating over the advice received from the Bougainville mining advisory council,” Mr Momis said last week.
He said in a statement that it was with much regret that the basic requirement for obtaining the landowners consent under the Bougainville Mining Act 2015 could not be met.
“The voice of the Panguna landowners was clearly heard during the mining warden hearing that resulted in a narrow divide between those supporting the mine to be opened by Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) and those that oppose,” said Momis.
“Further to this, to develop the mine today by any other developer will be untenable under current circumstances hence will not allow this project once again to reignite the wounds of the Bougainville crisis and distract our focus for restoring peace and our preparation for our referendum in 2019.”
Mr Momis said that while imposing the moratorium over the Panguna project, his government would continue to consult with the Panguna landowners and the people of Bougainville on an appropriate arrangement or best alternative models of development of the mine if the people still have an appetite to develop the mine in the future.



27.12.17 10:58

Ich würde den "full ban on exploration and mining" als Erziehungsmaßnahme für die Landeigner deuten. Eine andere Gesellschaft kommt ja fürs ABG weiterhin nicht infrage.  

wer verkauft 132.000 Stück in Frankfurt

27.12.17 11:18
zu 0,13 wenn er 14 oder 15 an anderen Börsenplätzen bekommt?
Traderevil: hier nicht ;-)

27.12.17 11:41

.....#21593 und RTG...

27.12.17 12:33

...wird hiermit ja am stärksten ausgebremst wenn man es genau liest. BCL hingegen hat jetzt die *Zeit* weiter um Zustimmung bei den uninformierten zu werben ohne ständig diesem Störfeuer und den unsäglichen Newsgepushe von RTG ausgesetzt zu sein.
Und wenn die es weiterhin  versuchen  -  sollen sie doch ihr Pulver verschiessen und so immer unglaubwürdiger werden. ;-)
Ice-Nine comi.:

Sehe ich auch so ...

27.12.17 13:45
FALLS Panguna eröffnet wird, dann nur mit BCL (zusammen). Das ist die klare, unmissverständliche Botschaft des ABGs an alle Beteiligten. Momis hat da ganz klar in diplomatischen Worten zum Ausdruck gebracht, was unsereins vielleicht mit "Fu$k you RTG" bezeichnen würde.



27.12.17 23:14
....hat einige Los mit 40K Kina pro Monat gesponsort
Damit dürfte demnächst wohl Schluss sein.
Danach wird sich das Blatt wieder ganz schnell wenden
Mein  MULTIBAGGER Favorit BOC ;-)))))

the President

28.12.17 09:13
They say that if you told a lie enough times it becomes the gospel truth in your mind, which means you yourself will begin to believe it as well.

That is exactly what happened with the BCL saga. We know now how the landowners feel about BCL and resumption of Mining in Panguna after the Warden’s hearing was held there. The fact is, how many times had we seen the President go to the media and boast that 90% of the landowners were in support of Mining and BCL? He even slammed the report by Jubilee Australia which clearly indicated that the people in the mine affected area appeared to be mentally stressed and bore mental scars from the crisis and having their land and environment damaged, and they themselves displaced by the mine. If anything, these people expressed horror when question about return of BCL and the reopening of Panguna mine.

Surely our dear President would have saved himself a lot of embarrassment had he heeded the warning by Jubilee and even AusAid for that matter. Jubilee didn’t sit around in Buka and wait for a fortuneteller to come from Panguna and tell them what they hoped to hear. They went in and found out for themselves while ABG and it’s administration drove around in 5 door cruisers and held meetings that never delivered anything.

The sad fact of course is that people’s time, money and efforts have been wasted chasing the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Our President is surely a man of many colors of the rainbow. Due to mass hypnotism induced through flowery rhetoric our memory banks were wiped clean and we did not waste time in reinstating our master orator as the President of Bougainville. We reinstated him with landslide votes showing that foolish people in large numbers can still wield a lot of power under the pretext of democracy.

What we seemed to have forgotten is that under a different color in 1989 our President was the man bitterly attacked BCL in the media calling it “wild pig” and proposed “Bougainville Initiative” under which a new mining company would replace BCL. Although it was just a lot of hot it did however, help to start a war when it stirred up the landowners who were already fed up with BCL. I don’t know if BCL too had forgotten what he had done back then but in politics you often find strange people on the same bed and in our case with “the devil we know”.

After all this time it took Mining Warden’s hearing to finally spell out the truth. Imagine what would have happened if a handful of women and excombatants had not stopped the President and his full cabinet and BCL management trying to sneak into Panguna to sign the MOA?

I leave that question with you and I never have lost hope for Bougainville. I do hope that we have learnt some costly lessons and that based on those lessons we can now move forward into 2018.

.....#21599 ....

28.12.17 09:56 ;-)

Chris Baria  Facebook  (Former BRA Commander)
Bougainville People against Mining??????

Contact :  Chris Baria
e mail:  chris

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