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Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948

Beiträge: 24.542
Zugriffe: 6.118.814 / Heute: 1.098
Bougainville Coppe. 0,236 € +9,26% Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   -59,86%

Orderbuch ....

03.04.19 09:59
...hat jemand Zugang zum Orderbuch oder Ordertiefe.

Heute Bid-Ask Spread in Australien sehr groß.

und die letzten beiden Tagen relativ hohe gehandelte Volumen.

Was sind die nächsten Newsflowpunkte?



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.......sehr interessante Möglichkeiten.....

06.04.19 10:15

.......ergeben sich durch diese Goldgewinnung gerade auch in unserer Mine.

Neue umweltschonendere Technik Bakterien aus Hessen schürfen Gold

Veröffentlicht am 06.04.19 um 08:02 Uhr

...............Bakterien als Goldschürfer

Diese Eigenschaft mache die Bakterien zu wichtigen potentiellen Helfern beim Abbau von Gold in Bergbau-Minen, erklärt Thomas Deichmann, Sprecher der Brain AG. Bis heute werden für die Goldgewinnung oftmals giftige Substanzen wie Cyanid oder Quecksilber verwendet. "Ein wesentlicher Vorteil unserer biologischen Verfahren ist die verbesserte Umwelt- und Arbeitssicherheit, weil sie ohne Chemikalieneinsatz funktionieren."

Begonnen haben die Forscher ihre Experimente in kleinen Flaschen und mit wenigen Bakterien, im vergangenen Herbst waren dann auch ihre Experimente im 100-Liter-Maßstab erfolgreich. Nun hat sich die Brain AG mit dem Chemieunternehmen CyPlus aus Hanau zusammengeschlossen, das seit Jahren im Bereich Bergbau aktiv ist.
Maschine, in der Bakterien Gold aus aufgelöstem Elektroschrott filtern
In solch einer Anlage binden die Bakterien Gold an sich und filtern es so aus der Lösung. Bild ©

Noch in diesem Jahr sollen die ersten Bakterien aus Zwingenberg ihre Arbeit in Goldminen aufnehmen. In welchen Ländern sie zum Einsatz kommen werden, möchte man in Zwingenberg noch nicht verraten. "Unsere Innovationen könnten auch in Regionen angewendet werden, in denen chemie-basierte Aufbereitungsverfahren nicht in Frage kommen",
betont Deichmann.


Bougainville ca. 1973 und davor

06.04.19 11:22

Masono defends B.ville mining amendments

29.04.19 20:44
April 30, 2019


Atonomous Bougainville Government Vice President and Minister for Mining Raymond Masono firmly and confidently defended the mining amendment to the Bougainville Mining Act 2015.

Speaking at the Haku constituency Sustainable Development Summit, Mr Masono said a lot of people including Bougainvillean elites and experts are saying this amendment will spoil the mining regime on Bougainville.

He said people are now jumping up and down saying this is no good for Bougainville.

“I can clearly say now that these are all lies and misconception, misinformation and sometimes outright lies,” he said.

“The government has followed the revolution we have started, the revolution was over the ownership of resources and getting the best deal for the people of Bougainville.

Andesite HotCopper 2019-05-01, time 13:15

01.05.19 07:49
"I see in yesterday's Post Courier that, in supporting the proposed mining act amendment, ABG Minister Raymond Masono claims that "..Bougainvillean mining company will be owned 60 per cent by the people of Bougainville and ABG". As opposed to the 73% of BCL that is owned by the National government and the ABG with the Government promising to give their half of this to the landowners; net result the ABG and Landowners would own 73% of BCL. All they then have to do, of course, is give their own company (BCL) the mining licence. This sounds better than 60% and giving 40% to Caballus. "

2019 Chairman's Address to Shareholders

02.05.19 10:10
Annual General Meeting 2 May 2019

.....from the annual general meeting ............

05.05.19 09:52

Bougainville Copper Limited has made a consolidated loss of K10.6 million in 2018.

May 2, 2019


Bougainville Copper Limited has made a consolidated loss of K10.6 million in 2018.......................

.................Sir Melchior said as of December 21 last year, the company’s assets included K1.1million in cash and K98.7 million in Australian equity investments.

He said BCL has total consolidated assets of K112.6million despite the loss.

“Equities are only sold when necessary to fund ongoing operations. Accordingly we have classified K10 million of available for sale investments as current for this purpose in 2019.

Bougainville Copper faced further challenges in 2018, with continued uncertainty around the Paguna tenure coinciding with Bougainville preparations for the upcoming referendum on its political future,” he said.

Sir Melchior said the company now looks forward to the year with cautious optimism and will continue to assert its rights and continue to progress studies and activities to prepare for BCL to develop the mine.

“BCL understands the issues and challenges involved better than any others.
We will remain respectfully and constructively engaged with key stakeholders, including the ABG and project area landowners and will continue to be supportive of local communities,” Sir Melchior said.


Jahresbericht 2018

05.05.19 19:32
Mal eine Frage an die eingetragenen Aktionäre, habt ihr für die HV 2019
den Jahresbericht 2018 von BCL bekommen?


05.05.19 22:18
ja, als Printversion.


08.05.19 07:38
ja, per Post, aber erst gestern!


10.05.19 10:18
Dienstag (7.5.)  bekam ich den auch.

Aber mal ne andere Frage,    hat einer von euch ne  "aktuelle" Liste der Shareholders?

allen ein schönes Wochenende


13.05.19 07:21
war am Samstag (11.05.) in der Post  

.....Bougainville Ventures Inc.:....;-)

16.05.19 07:47

IRW-News: Bougainville Ventures Inc.: Bougainville unterzeichnet mit einem israelischen Forschungs- und Entwicklungsunternehmen ein gesponsertes Forschungsabkommen für einen CBD-Energy-Drink

Premierminister von Papua-Neuguinea offiziell zurü

29.05.19 13:10
In Papua Neuguinea hat Premierminister O'Neill offiziell seinen Rücktritt erklärt.

Er habe bei Generalgouverneur Dadae seine Demission eingereicht, teilte er im Parlament in Port Moresby mit. Offizielles Staatsoberhaupt ist die britische Königin Elizabeth II. O'Neill war seit 2011 im Amt. Er kam mit seinem Schritt einem Misstrauensvotum zuvor. Der Pazifikstaat Papua-Neuguinea mit seinen rund acht Millionen Einwohnern gehört trotz Bodenschätzen zu den ärmsten Staaten der Welt

......wie geht es jetzt weiter mit.....

31.05.19 10:07

...dem neuen Präsidenten? Eher besser oder bleibt alles beim alten.
Korruptionsranking PNG zur Zeit auf Platz 138 von 180.

Kann ich meine shares nun abschreiben?

08.06.19 17:46
Nekro.... was sagst du?

von Hotcopper

11.06.19 12:25

Australian Federal Police take photos at the site

12.06.19 10:35
Australian Federal Police take photos at the site of the abandoned Panguna mine.


The Chairman of Bougainville Hardliners Group and former combatant turned businessman, James Onartoo has called on the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) Police Minister to explain what the Australian Federal Police (AFP) were doing at the site of the controversial Panguna mine on Wednesday, June 5.

According to Mr. Onartoo, members of the communities around the mine site became suspicious when they saw the Australian police taking GPS readings at various points around the mine. This points included the one where the mining company BCL considered building an airstrip in the early part of the Bougainville crisis, to bring in aircraft supposedly to evacuate expatriate mine workers and their families out of Panguna.

“I think the public is owed an explanation as to what is happening. To the best of my knowledge the AFP were ousted in 2007 on suspicions of spying on the ABG and the people of Bougainville by the former President, late Joseph Kabui.

“Their presence at Panguna, which is the site of so much controversy and disagreements plus issues of sensitive nature stemming from proposed reopening by ABG, raises serious questions considering the fact that in the past Australia always supported military intervention by Papua New Guinea Defense Force to regain control of the mine.

“If AFP can raid ABC office in Australia itself then they are capable of anything including maybe gathering intelligence on ground for the purpose of regaining control of Panguna and restarting the mine with use of force,” Mr. Onartoo said.

Mr Onartoo said that it is a well known fact that Australia’s interest in the mineral deposits at Panguna never declined and Australian advisors to ABG have denounced agriculture, tourism, fisheries and other sustainable industries saying that only mining is able to finance Bougainville’s independence. Several companies which are vying to reopen the Panguna mine, which was shutdown by landowners in 1990, are also of Australian origin.  

Police: Nothing suspicious about AFP staff in Boug

12.06.19 10:42
Police: Nothing suspicious about AFP staff in Bougainville
Bougainville deputy police commissioner, Chief Inspector Francis Tokura, says there is nothing suspicious about the presence there of Australia Federal Police last week.

There had been a call from the chair of a group called the Bougainville Hardliners, James Onartoo, who said the government in the autonomous Papua New Guinea province needs to explain what these police were up to.

Mr Onartoo says the AFP officers and civilian staff appeared to be taking GPS readings at the the site of the controversial Panguna mine site in central Bougainville.

But Mr Tokura says they were there as part of preparations for the international police support team that will be in Bougainville at the time of its referendum on independence in October.

That mission, to be led by New Zealand, will also include police from Fiji, Solomon Islands and Australia.

Proposed Bougainville mining law change referred t

12.06.19 10:47
Proposed Bougainville mining law change referred to Ombudsman
2:10 pm on 11 June Panguna Mine says it has referred the government's controversial mining plans to the Papua New Guinea Ombudsman.
The Osikaiyang Landowners group said amendments to the Mining Act, due for consideration in parliament this week, would effectively reverse customary law on the ownership of minerals.

Bougainville's government has argued that what it is planning, in conjunction with Australian businessman Jeff McGlinn, will ensure landowners are better off.

But the Special Mining Lease Osikaiyang Landowners Association said this amounted to an abuse of executive power, the Bougainville Constitution and the PNG Constitution.

Osikaiyang chair Philip Miriori said the group would never allow others to "steal our land, our minerals and both our future and our heritage".

The amendments are defective and the people pushing them, such as Mining Minister Raymond Masono, are breaching the Leadership Code, which is the basis for the appeal to the Ombudsman, Mr Miriori said.

von SMLOLA facebook:

13.06.19 09:55



18.06.19 09:00

....53885 Stk. auf Tradegate...das war bestimmt keine einfache Entscheidung.

Frage ist auch: war´s die richtige? oder doch etwas zu vorschnell. So kurz vor dem Referendum  ;-)
Es gibt keine neuen Beiträge.

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52 24.541 Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948 nekro Fuchsbau24 13.01.25 16:13
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  1 Kick off und get ready this year Fuchsbau24 Fuchsbau24 17.01.24 15:16
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2 7 BOC (852652) wird heiss ;-))) nekro bockaufboc 24.04.21 23:52
