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Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948

Beiträge: 24.473
Zugriffe: 5.656.317 / Heute: 5.201
Bougainville Coppe. 0,276 € -2,13% Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   -53,22%


19.04.14 11:39
Erdbeben erschüttert Papua-Neuguinea
Sydney – Ein starkes Erdbeben hat den südpazifischen Inselstaat Papua-Neuguinea erschüttert. Zunächst gab es keine Berichte über Schäden und Verletzte und eine Tsunami-Warnung wurde nicht herausgegeben. Nach Angaben des US-Erdbebeninstituts USGS wurde das Beben mit einer Stärke von 6,4 gemessen. Das Epizentrum habe sich 30 Kilometer nördlich von Rabaul auf der Insel New Britain in einer Tiefe von 17 Kilometern befunden. Erdbeben sind in Papua-Neuguinea üblich. Das Land liegt im „Feuerring” von Vulkanen und Erdbebenzonen im pazifischen Raum.


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Big weeks ahead

19.04.14 14:01
 When Panguna reopens, the  mining agreement will be totally  different, and its in the making already, finalization of   the transitional law is  being  put together by ABG and Ex-combatants. The ex-combatant's  key leaders, North, South & Central have committed to working with Momis government  to pass the transitional mining  bill in June 2014,  and the permanent law in November. 2014, to replace the transitional law, due to technical reasons.  

Tsunami warnings issued..........

20.04.14 05:51
..........after strong quake strikes off Papua New Guinea
The U.S. Geological Survey said the magnitude-7.8 earthquake that struck late Saturday was located 75 kilometres southwest of the town of Panguna on Bougainville Island.
Posted on 4/19/2014 10:22:00 AM by Associated Press

A powerful earthquake has struck off the South Pacific nation of Papua New Guinea. There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage, but a tsunami warning was in effect.
The U.S. Geological Survey said the magnitude-7.5 earthquake that struck late Saturday was located 75 kilometres southwest of the town of Panguna on Bougainville Island.
The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center issued a warning for Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands, but said it was not known whether a tsunami had been generated.
Earthquakes are common in Papua New Guinea. The country lies on the ``Ring of Fire'' - an arc of earthquake and volcanic activity that stretches around the Pacific Rim.
Mein  MULTIBAGGER Favorit B?C ;-)))))

Seven months in Bougainville

22.04.14 05:31

Dieser Artikel dürfte erklären warum alles in Boug. "die paar Monate" länger dauert ;-)))

Mark Chambers MARK CHAMBERS |Wake Up in the Pacific Blogspot | Extracts

WE'VE been back in New Zealand ("civilisation" some people have said to me) for two weeks now. During my last few weeks in Bougainville I was thinking a lot about my stay there. Or in particular, my impact. What have I changed? What have I left behind?

I'll start with the conclusion: It’s really hard to find a balance between the very great things and the very harsh things I've experienced.

For starters, no one in Bougainville goes hungry. The bucket loads of rain and sun are a winner for photosynthesis and things grow just about everywhere.  Every family has land and as well as a house they keep gardens.  Many also have a share of a plantation, growing either cocoa or coconuts to sell overseas.

Gardens are full of banana, papaya, taro, sweet potato, different greens, nuts, tomatoes, corn etc.  And anything you can't grow you can probably swap with a neighbour.  Every person has their own bit of land through birth and sharing it a strong part of the culture.  So there are certainly no starving people.

Instead, there are a lot of malnourished people as there isn't much nutrition in a whole plate of starchy vegetables and unless you live on the coast, you don't have much access to fish.  Pigs are owned by many families but are a status symbol and saved for big feasts.

Most 'jobs' are centred around public services or agriculture and the majority of people are farmers - usually both subsistence and commercial. There is no strong desire to earn money.  When you can produce almost anything you 'need' from the land, there isn't a huge demand for earning a salary.  And in fact there isn't really that much to spend money on anyway.

The supply ship arrives every two weeks but you never know what is coming.  One week it might be eggs and the shelves will be full of them.  But there won’t be any flour and that shelf remains empty till the next time someone remembers to order flour.  Meat only comes in the frozen variety and isn't hugely appealing - lamb flaps or sheep's tongue for dinner?

Nevertheless, as with most places, it’s the people who make the country.  Bougainvilleans are wonderfully generous people.  Essah, Vik's colleague at the hospital was like a mother to us.  Each time I would go round to see Vik, Essah would appear and demand I sit down, rest and eat something.  One day she noted that we ate different foods from her so stuffed some money in our hands and told us to buy some lunch for ourselves rather than her supply too many cooked bananas.  When we left she gave us six locally-made baskets from the market to give as presents to our parents.

It seems you only need to meet someone once and you are friends forever.  And if I helped someone out with their computer, no matter how trivial, they would thank me every time I saw them and want to take us to their village.  Each time we went into the highlands to see Viks old friend Pedro we would leave with bags of fruit and veg that his family grows up in the cooler hills

But at times Bougainvilleans make you despair.  The concept of planning is almost alien.  Most tasks are carried out at the last possible second - from booking flights for business trips, to signing agreements between government departments or buying fuel for the backup generator.  If you suggest spending money now to prevent the need for spending more in the future it’s likely to be ignored.

This is all part of the renowned "island time" lifestyle that nothing is important enough that it can't be done "tomorrow".  Working in that environment can be frustrating and my only saving grace is that I have a ton of patience.  Locals wait for years for public offices to do their jobs, courts and the police included.  It’s not just slow by New Zealand standards, it’s ridiculous that someone should wait years for forms to be approved or offenders to be imprisoned.

Information is also pretty hard to come by.  Accurate information that is.  Everyone likes to spread stories they've heard but actual facts are difficult to uncover.  In the workplace it's worse.  Public servants I met all worked in isolation from one another.  It seems to be a status thing, and maybe there's shame in needing to ask for help.

Different government divisions often work on the same project but without talking to each other or even acknowledging the other division.   Even within the same office, two people can be doing the same thing without even being aware of it.  My boss didn't know there was a job advert in the newspaper, advertising for his replacement.

Finally, there is one big area of life that I won’t go into much detail about.  Violence and relationships.  I won’t write anything at all actually but there is a very dark side to family life in Bougainville and PNG as a whole.

Worse still, there is little being done to accept the truth of the extent and prevalence of violence, and almost nothing to prevent it.

Back in Wellington I've actually been quite overwhelmed by the things we want to do here, the things we can do here and going back to work.  I actually felt very stressed out last week and long for the simplicity of life in Bougainville.

Posted in Aid & development, Issues | Permalink
Mein  MULTIBAGGER Favorit B?C ;-)))))

Lawrence Daveona, the good Cop ;-)))

22.04.14 12:30

Autonomous Bougainville Government must denounce threats against mine landowners

Dansi Oearupeu

In 2013, ABG President John Momis assured Rio Tinto communities in the mine area supported the company’s return. Whether he believe this was actually true or not is anyone’s guess, but at least Momis was confident that the ABG, with help from the AusAID sales team, could win the communities over. The subsequent pitches have gone down like lead balloon, and the President is no closer to realising his vision, which may turn out to be a mirage.

Now a customary pincer-move is being used, or as they call it in the Hollywood films, good-cop, bad-cop. The good-cop is Lawrence Daveona and his utterly discredited and deeply unpopular landowners’ association. They are going around telling village people that BCL have agreed to pay bel kol – a traditional form of compensation. But they haven’t, not really. There is no admission of guilt on BCL’s part for the killing of thousands of innocent people. And the offer of K450,000 is an insult.

So the good cop routine is failing. Enter bad cop. ABG representatives are telling citizens that ‘the Panguna mine … [is] now owned by the people of Bougainville and not just the landowners as blood was spilled for this piece of land and these fighters must be compensated for the part they played to protect Panguna’.

In its haste to reopen the mine, the ABG is lighting a fire that may soon burn out of control. Threats are circulating, by a loud minority, that the people of Panguna must reopen the mine and pay compensation to the rest of Bougainville, or they will suffer the consequences.

But the ABG’s view, which this loud minority mimics, makes no sense. The war began, as they acknowledge, over the right of communities to protect their soil, and the birth right of future generations, from being vandalised by foreign corporations out to enrich their shareholders. It was also a war to liberate Bougainville from the casino mentality of Waigani, which sees bloated politicians place the nation’s natural resources on the roulette wheel so they can make a few million, while the foreigners take the rest; with barely a trickle making it through to the silent majority.

The ABG is now suggesting we honour the blood of those who fought for these two causes, by turning Bougainville into a casino, and vandalising the land and environment.

It would be laughable, were the ABG not playing such a dangerous game. If this blood-debt fiction starts to circulate, and communities outside the mine area feel they have been betrayed by the people of Panguna, things could get nasty, very quickly. The President needs to put a stop to this blood-debt talk by opposing it, loudly – otherwise, the loud minority will take his silence as approval.

He must tell his people, that if the landowners do not want the mine, this is a dignity and a right won through the spilling of blood, and it is one that the ABG will uphold as the custodian of the peace agreement and constitution. If it fails in this act, it is a government without legitimacy.
Mein  MULTIBAGGER Favorit B?C ;-)))))

the Department of Mining.............

22.04.14 13:20
...............geht (endlich ;-)) von PNG über ans ABG ;-))))))

By Aloysius Laukai

The Approval of the Bougainville Public Service Law which will take effect on Bougainville on May 15th, 2014 has upgraded five Autonomous Bougainville Government Divisions to become Departments of Bougainville.
This was announced by the Bougainville’s first Acting Chief Secretary, CHRIS SIRIOSI on his Bougainville Administration update program on New Dawn FM last week.
These Departments are, the Depart of President and the Bougainville Executive Council, The Department of Administrative Services, the Department of Mining, Department of Education and the Department of Health.
MR. SIRIOSI said that the law has established these departments and the Organisation Restructure Development Team is already working on increasing the structures to accommodate these departments.
He said that these Departments will now be added to the Public Service Machinery for Bougainville.
The Chief Secretary also stated that the Bougainville Constitution guidelines also says that Bougainville must have a public service which is small but effective to carry out its roles and functions.
The BEC has already approved the Gazettal of these laws and would be Gazetted by 30th of April,2014.
The Chief Secretary also said that the ABG Public Service will be launched on May 15th 2014 and this means changing the records of all public servants into the new ABG Public service.
All Public servants from the National Government will become ABG Public servants.
MR. SIRIOSI said that all records and entitlements of these public servants will be transferred to the ABG Public service.


Posted at 11:30 AM | Permalink
Mein  MULTIBAGGER Favorit B?C ;-)))))

Nekro und die Meinungsfreiheit???

23.04.14 08:40
Absurdistan – Dank Nekro!

Die nach meiner Einschätzung ungerechtfertigte Moderation von Axels (bocandorra) Selbstverteidigung gegen Nekros wiederholten Unterstellungen und Herabwürdigung der Arbeit der ESBC und seiner Person ist eine Nummer aus dem Tollhaus:
Speziell die Begründung des Moderators „Klardaten“ und die entsprechenden, zustimmenden Kommentare laufen ins Leere, da gerade diese Threadteilnehmer den Eintrag ins Aktionärsregister propagieren. Auch Nekro.
Eine rein sachliche Information: Im Aktionärsregister, das öffentlich zugänglich ist, sind alle Klarnamen sogar inklusive Adresse verzeichnet. So auch die Klardaten von Nekro und vielen anderen Investoren!
Was soll also diese alberne Geheimnistuerei nach der Devise „Wasch mich, aber mach mich nicht naß“?
Mir scheint, dass Axel (bocandorra) sehr wohl Recht hat, wenn er Nekro unlauteres, ESBC-schädigendes Verhalten unterstellt. Offensichtlich hat er bis heute nicht verkraftet, keinen Einfluss mehr auf die Arbeit der ESBC zu haben. Axels Mutmaßung, Nekro einen gewissen übersteigerten Geltungsdrang zu unterstellen, ist nicht von der Hand zu weisen. Der beste Beweis dafür scheint mir zu sein, dass Nekro bocandorra zunächst aus seinem Privatforum und jetzt aus dem allgemeinen Forum durch Sperrung verbannt hat. Ich halte das für unerhört.  Nekro beschädigt durch sein selbstgefälliges Verhalten die Qualität dieses Forums nachhaltig. Threads dieser Art sollten eben keine Plattform der Eitelkeit oder aber zur Selbstdarstellung einzelner Teilnehmer sein!


23.04.14 10:44
Auch ich bin dafür, dass im allgemeinen Forum bocandorra nicht mundtot gemacht werden kann. Es ist für alle wichtig, auch die Koordinierung dank Axel entsprechende Würdigung findet.

Die "Allgemeinheit" ist betroffen und es sollten ruhig auch andere Meinungen dazu gehören. Ansonsten riecht es hier nach Meinungsschnüffelei!

Ich stimme logho und peter_ski zu!

23.04.14 11:30
Sowohl nekro als auch Axel (bocandorra) propagieren den Eintrag ins Aktionärsregister,
aber beide habe bisher kaum bis gar keine Aktien registrieren lassen.
Die Ausrede von Axel, dass seine beiden Banken in Andorra den Service der Auslieferung nicht anbieten, lasse ich nicht gelten!
Ich habe selber meine Stücke von einer auf die andere Bank transferiert, um Sie schließlich eintragen zu lassen.
Freunde von mir und ich selber scheinen fast die einziegen zu sein, welche ihre Aktien haben eintragen lassen.
Das enttäuscht mich sehr, zumal es dadurch überhaupt keine Wirkung entfacht hat.
Folglich bin ich sowohl von nekro, als auch von Axel enttäucht.
Ausschließen oder verbannen würde ich Sie deswegen aber keinesfalls.
Vielleicht lassen beide ihre Stücke doch noch teilweise oder komplett eintragen!?

Pentanu joins war of words on Bougainville mining

23.04.14 11:32

Tuesday, 5 August 2008

SIMON Pentanu, a former PNG Ombudsman chief and Bougainville Administrator, has attacked shareholder lobby group, European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper, for its recent campaign against Bougainville Copper (BCL) chairman Peter Taylor.

"Mir scheint, dass Axel (bocandorra) sehr wohl Recht hat, wenn er Nekro unlauteres, ESBC-schädigendes Verhalten unterstellt."

Wie Simon Pentanu mit seiner Antwort auf die Forderung von Bocandorra nach der Abberufung von Peter Taylor als BCL CEO treffend beweist hat  Bocandorra die ESBC in den Augen der Bougainviller schon längst zur Witzfigur degradiert.

......................" it was naïve for the ESBC and its president Axel G. Sturm".......sagt wohl genug.(Simon Pentanu, früheres PNG Parlamentsmitglied ist übrigens im Auftrag des ABG für die Reconciliations der verschiedenen Parteien zuständig)

.................."These kinds of self-seeking missives or statements do not help the perception and views of many Bougainvilleans,"...........

Wer sich hier durch per "Pressemeldung" publizierten Quatschs zu profilieren versucht bedarf wohl keiner Frage lieber Logho.

@peter ski

"auch die Koordinierung dank Axel entsprechende Würdigung findet."

Hier die entsprechende "Würdigung" von der Insel zu seiner "Arbeit"

“All it achieves is to create more confusion, a position that is symptomatic of the level of understanding ESBC has on the situation in Bougainville ."

Mittlerweile haben sich die meisten ESBC Mitglieder mit Schaudern von den ESBC und seinem despotischen selbstnominierten Präsidenten aus dem einfachen Grund abgewandt weil sie nicht mehr länger hinter den geifernden und idiotischen Pressemeldungen stehen wollen.

Wer noch ESBC Mitglied ist kann sich ja gerne hier "outen" ;-))))))).

PS:Wer erst von Lawrence Daveona Panguna Landowners Interna absaugt, ihn dann mit ein paar ESBC Kröten der Mitglieder als Spende abspeist und die Ueberweisungsbelege danach als "Beweis der Bestechlichkeit" dem PNG Miningwatch zwecks Diskreditierung zuspielt zeigt damit eindeutig wessen Geistes Kind er ist. Mit einem solchen Typen will ich nunmal nix zu tun haben.(Von der Freude über die Heimsuchung der Insel durch den Cocoa-Pod-Bohrer ganz zu schweigen)

05.08.2008    PNG Industry News (Perth/Australia)

Pentanu joins war of words on Bougainville mining

Tuesday, 5 August 2008

SIMON Pentanu, a former PNG Ombudsman chief and Bougainville Administrator, has attacked shareholder lobby group, European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper, for its recent campaign against Bougainville Copper (BCL) chairman Peter Taylor.

As part of the campaign to remove Taylor from the helm, the ESBC has submitted a letter to the Australian Securities Exchange over the alleged corporate governance failures of the Rio Tinto subsidiary and ASX-listed company, and has also sent a letter to Rio Tinto chief executive Tom Albanese.

In an opinion piece in the Post-Courier newspaper, Pentanu said it was easy for the ESBC to make scathing criticisms from “lavish and opulent” surroundings in Europe .

“The latest criticism against BCL and its management is uncalled for given the situation on the ground in Bougainville ,” he said.

“All it achieves is to create more confusion, a position that is symptomatic of the level of understanding ESBC has on the situation in Bougainville .

“These kinds of self-seeking missives or statements do not help the perception and views of many Bougainvilleans, including many landowners who will not accept any return to mining until many other outstanding and unresolved issues are brought to proper closure.”

Pentanu also singled out the ESBC’s recent support of the Panguna Landowner’s Association, which seeks the return of BCL to the Panguna mine on Bougainville Island .

He said it was naïve for the ESBC and its president Axel G. Sturm to think BCL can resume mining on the back of Panguna Landowner Association statements coming out of BCL’s annual general meeting earlier this year.

Taylor recently told that not all 600 landowners or landowner representatives of the 1980 compensation agreement supported a return to mining at Panguna.

Pentanu also questioned the ESBC’s efforts to claim Taylor ’s scalp.

“What is the real purpose of ESBC in seeking Peter Taylor’s resignation? Has ESBC considered the possibility that any resignation [or talk of resignation] at this time may in fact be a retrogressive step for BCL considering the gains made in terms of a growing acceptability and preparedness in the last three to four years by a wide cross section of the Bougainvillean population to engage in discussions on mining?”
Mein  MULTIBAGGER Favorit B?C ;-)))))

@ logho

23.04.14 11:46
deine meinung in ehren und auch akzeptabel,
ABER hälst du es denn für richtig, dass axel hier im forum
derartig gegen nekro vorgeht? ist das denn sinnvoll?
unterstützt das dieses forum? ich sage klar NEIN
wenn die beiden was auszutragen haben, dann bitte intern
und nicht öffentlich. so dass hier leute gezwungen werden,
sich zu entscheiden oder auch nichts zu sagen dazu.
auf jeden fall sollten solche scharmützel woanders ausgetragen
werden. ach ja, dein hinweis auf herausfinden von daten
ist zwar richtig, missfällt mir aber genauso. wozu machst du das?
geht es da im BOC ? ich sage klar:  NEIN
der axel wird dich doch sicher auch so respektieren und achten. oder?

Australian government rejects advisers warning....

23.04.14 12:11
.............on Bougainville mine

"Below is a catalogue of all the TWENTY ONE 2013 meetings between Rio Tinto and the Australian government (Peter Taylor = BCL Chairman, Paul Coleman = BCL Secretary).

21 Meetings zwischen BOC u. Aus Gov. beweisen das Interesse Australiens UND Rio Tinto`s an der Wiedereröffnung der Panguna Mine.;-)))))))

April 23, 2014

The Australian government’s subservient relationship with giant mining companies mean it has rejected AusAID’s advice that re-opening the Panguna mine will destabilize the island and it should instead focus on supporting the agriculture sector…

In a 2008 evaluation of AusAID’s development aid programme on Bougainville, experts employed by Australia’s aid agency offered sobering advice that is proving prescient.

   The currently closed Panguna copper mine forms a backdrop to all discussion of economic recovery … It should be remembered that the mine was the original flashpoint of armed conflict in Bougainville … [The mine community’s] attitude to profit-seeking foreigners is dour. While some think that reopening the mine is possible, it is just as likely that any agreement would again collapse. In the interim, a strategy for economic recovery through agricultural production appears the most viable among the possibilities.

AusAID’s experts justify their emphasis on agriculture, noting:

   Resumption of mining must also be weighed against the stress this would place upon Bougainville, which at this stage has all the characteristics of a fragile state. Influx of workers from elsewhere in PNG, the politics of royalty distribution and the political imperatives of a new and powerful stakeholder, the company, may create political shocks in Bougainville to destabilise the island in the run up to the autonomy referendum due between 2015 and 2020.

So, given the Australian government’s so called commitment to stability on Bougainville, why would it now pump millions into an unwanted project, administered by ‘profit-seeking foreigners’ that could potentially destabilise a fragile peace?

The Australian Green Party has obtained part of the answer from the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. DFAT has revealed the Australian government is now being advised BY the same ‘profit-seeking foreigner’ – Rio Tinto – who to this day dodges war crime allegations over its former role on Bougainville.

And remember, according to Australia’s former Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, it is this profit-seeking foreigner, who, along with BHP ‘run[s] the country’ i.e. Australia.

Below is a catalogue of all the TWENTY ONE 2013 meetings between Rio Tinto and the Australian government (Peter Taylor = BCL Chairman, Paul Coleman = BCL Secretary).
Mein  MULTIBAGGER Favorit B?C ;-)))))


23.04.14 12:15
Speichellecker gibt`s immer und hat es auch schon immer gegeben.

Daran (u. an den ESBC!!!) wird die Wiedereröffnung aber garantiert nicht scheitern ;-)))))
Mein  MULTIBAGGER Favorit B?C ;-)))))

nekro, ich weiß nun auch nicht,

23.04.14 12:58
ob man logho so bezeichnen kann oder gar muss......
das ist ja das, was ich meine und verurteile!
solche persönlichen streitigkeiten sind immer schlecht
für einen thread! und in meinen augen auch unnötig.
es soll hier um boc gehen. das ziel, was uns ja wohl
alle verbindet. und gerne dürfte die da unten mal in die
gänge kommen......

Dass bocandorra........

23.04.14 13:39
............kein Copyright auf in den AU und PNG Medien publizierte Artikel zu Bougainville hat dürfte jedem klar sein.Auch wüsste ich nicht wie das reinkopieren hier in den ariva Thread den ESBC "schaden" sollte.(von ein paar weniger Clicks auf der HP mal abgesehen.;-))))

Die Zugriffszahlen hier im Thread (Zugriffe: 1.760.802) gegenüber denen auf der ESBC HP  (105696 visitors since April 2008) zeigen zudem deutlich wo sich die meisten Investierten informieren.

Seit LD von bocandorra diskreditiert wurde (weil er nicht nach dessen Pfeife tanzen wollte) bleiben bei den ESBC zudem die Infos von "Vorort") aus.

Dass LD von Peter Taylor und BCL als seriöser Gesprächspartner akzeptiert ist der sich um einen Konsens der Landeigner und der Meekamuis zur Wiedereröffnung bemüht zeigt doch nur wie weit Andorra sich mittlerweile von der Realität entfernt hat.
Mein  MULTIBAGGER Favorit B?C ;-)))))


23.04.14 16:37
Natürlich sollten News hier im Thread gepostet werden!
Warum denn umständlich durch mehrere Seiten auf einer Homepage klicken, um dann nach der News zu suchen, welche mit "wichtig" gemeint seien könnte?


.....ASX heute.... ;-)))

24.04.14 08:30

BOC Bougainville Copper Limited FPO 1K
Total Trades Total Volume Last Trade V.W.A.P*
    2     52           50.5                   50.5
* Volume Weighted Average Price
Number (s) Time
Last Traded Price Volume Change Value Number
of Trades
1 - 2 11:51:51 am 50.5 52 $26 2

nekro vs. Axel

24.04.14 14:19
War jetzt einige Zeit nicht im Forum, nicht zuletzt weil ich die Beiträge von BOCandorra einfach nicht mehr ausgehalten habe. Habe jetzt mit Freuden registriert, dass er ausgeschlossen worden ist. Das soll kein uneingeschränktes Lob für nekro sein, bei ihm ist sicher auch ein wenig Geltungsdrang und Eigennutz dahinter. Ich kann mich aber nicht erinnern, dass er je versucht hat andere derart niederzumachen und selbstherrlich abzuqualifizieren.
Viele Angriffe von Axel gegen Andersdenkende waren beleidigen und unter der Gürtellinie - auch gegen Personen außerhalb des Forums.
Vielleicht schaltet jetzt auch nekro einen Gang zurück und wir können uns wieder der Situation auf Bougainville und den Aktivitäten zum Mining widmen.

Nichts für ungut,


Bougainville public service ready to go

24.04.14 21:54


THE Autonomous Bougainville Government will be launching its own public service next month, says the head of the Bougainville Public Service, Chris Siriosi.

Mr Siriosi said during that day, he will be inviting all public servants to converge at an identified location to celebrate this milestone achievement for the Bougainville public service.

He said this date was chosen as it will be the time when the payroll records for the government officers will show that they are now members of the new Bougainville Public Service and no longer under the National Public Service of PNG.

“During this time, the President will be issuing certificates and welcoming the public servants of Bougainville. This will show that they are now new members of public servants for Bougainville,” said Mr Siriosi.

He said he will also be inviting the secretary for the Department of Personnel Management John Kali and Public Service Minister Sir Puka Temu to come and “farewell officers who will now become members of the Bougainville public service and cease to operate as members of National Public Service”.

Mr Siriosi later said this change will not affect the entitlements of the officers, before adding that those officers who wish to remain with the National Public Service can do so by expressing their stand with the Ministry of Administrative Service.

Meanwhile, the Bougainville Executive Council has authorised President John Momis to publish the gazettal of the three recently-passed laws by the end of this month.

These laws were passed by ABG and include the Bougainville Public Service, Bougainville Public Finance and Administration and the Tenders and Contracts laws.

The gazettal of these laws will now give effect to the implementation of these laws in Bougainville.

Mein  MULTIBAGGER Favorit B?C ;-)))))
Murat Ozücugl.:

Jungs was geht ab?

25.04.14 07:58
Gelöschter Beitrag. Einblenden »



25.04.14 09:30
Nekro, hälst du noch den Drektkontakt zu LD?

Panguna Voices - Sam Kauona

25.04.14 11:01
Mein  MULTIBAGGER Favorit B?C ;-)))))

Trotz schwacher Kupferpreise

25.04.14 17:33
30 BÖRSE ONLINE 17 24.4.2014 − 29.4.2014

Kupferminenverkauf bringt Milliarden

Trotz schwacher Kupferpreise konnte
der Rohstoffkonzern Glencore Xstrata sein
Kupferminenprojekt „Las Bambas“ in
Peru, das 2015 in Betrieb gehen soll, zu
Spitzenkonditionen verkaufen. Der chinesische
Erwerber, die in Hongkong gelistete
MMG Limited, zahlt 5,85 Milliarden Dollar.
Zudem erhält Glencore den Aufwand des
laufenden Jahres ersetzt, bis der Deal abgeschlossen
ist. Mit einem Teil des Geldes will
das in der Schweiz beheimatete Unternehmen
Schulden abbauen. Ein anderer Teil
fließt in den Erwerb einer kanadischen Ölfirma,
die vor allem im Tschad vertreten
ist. Zudem wird Glencore laut Einschätzun-
gen von Analysten Aktienrückkäufe im
kleineren Stil durchführen. Der Minenverkauf
hat neben der Verbesserung der Bilanz
den Vorteil, dass die Investitionen
2014 und 2015 niedriger ausfallen als erwartet.
Das eröffnet Spielraum für Ergebnis
und Dividende. Unter den drei großen
Rohstoffkonzernen ist Glencore durch
seine Handelssparte am breitesten aufgestellt
und dürfte damit am wenigsten von
Preisschwankungen abhängig sein. Die
Analysten von Société Générale haben ein
Kurspotenzial von 400 Pence — umgerechnet
sind das 4,80 Euro — für die in London
gelistete Aktie ausgelotet. LA


25.04.14 23:23

950 Mt Ore Resources/ Reserves


0,66% copper
0,06 g/t gold
3,1 g/t silver
0,002% molybden

für  5,85 Milliarden Dollar.

Vielleicht hat ja jemand Lust einen Vergleich mit den (minimum) 100 Billion BOC Reserven

zu berechnen ;-)))
Mein  MULTIBAGGER Favorit B?C ;-)))))
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