und wer hatte den mut mit mir vor 14 tagen Kanakaris ( kkrs ) zu kaufen?

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und wer hatte den mut mit mir vor 14 tagen Kanakaris ( kkrs ) zu ka.

08.06.00 18:22
kurs nun bei 1,73$.
leute das sind in 14 tagen über 100%.

      Kanakaris Wireless, The Fortino Group, Join Forces to Launch National Marketing Campaign Unique Partnership Leverages the Best in Technology Innovation And Strategic, Exciting Public Relations Capabilities  
       THURSDAY, JUNE 08, 2000 8:54 AM
- PRNewswire

LOS ANGELES, Jun 8, 2000 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Kanakaris Wireless (OTCBulletinBoard:KKRS), the world's leader in full-length motion picture and book delivery through the Internet, today announced that it has retained world-renown public relations, marketing, and communications expert Michael Fortino, and his company, The Fortino Group, Inc., to embark on an aggressive marketing and public relations campaign.

According to CEO and President Alex Kanakaris, Fortino's innate ability to generate excitement about timely issues, while remaining focused on shareholder benefits and strategic company growth will result in new industry benchmarks. Kanakaris said the timing of this partnership couldn't be better, considering the company's recent activity and dynamic plan for 2000.

"Michael's presence will provide a real boost to our company's overall mission, which is delivering to the market the most exciting and dense online media," Kanakaris said. "With him guiding our publicity and marketing efforts, we can be even more focused on our technology, customers, and shareholders. Considering the groundwork we have laid in the past few years and the projects we are preparing to release, the relationship between Kanakaris and Fortino is going to excite a lot of people."

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