Was habe ich gesagt! Kauf du lieber nichts mehr! Und dann noch dein Brüder! Jetzt haben wir den "Salat"
ihub (cats)
The court is concerned with a "Plan of Reorganization", which the court Denied. I've likened the POR and GSA combo as a twinkie. The GSA is the filling, the POR is the outside. At the moment, the POR has been rejected by the court as Denied. And the GSA just entered a non-binding state as of midnight 1/31. WMI (Rosen) needs an intact twinkie to present to the court for confirmation. Eg, WMI needs a GSA that is re-binding. And a POR that meets the courts approval. At the moment, he has neither. ...Catz
daß fett gedruckte auf der zunge zergehen lassen;)
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