FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2002 6:02 AM
- BusinessWire
FAIRFIELD, Conn., Oct 11, 2002 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- GE's third-quarter 2002 earnings of $4.1 billion, or $.41 per share, increased 25% over third quarter 2001, and year-to-date cash flow from operations, excluding progress collections, increased 16%, GE Chairman and CEO Jeff Immelt announced today.
"GE delivered 41 cents per share and strong cash flow growth in what continues to be a more difficult economic environment than anticipated," Immelt said. "We are managing through a variety of short-term challenges at some of our businesses. However, in total, GE continues to deliver. This is a tribute to the strength of the GE business model - a great set of leading businesses with strong growth capability and exceptional cash discipline."