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Predictiv AI Provides Year in Review Corporate Update
"In 2020, we achieved a number of key milestones at Predictiv AI in R&D, sales and marketing, operations and corporate development. On behalf of our leadership team and board of directors, I would like to thank our shareholders and strategic partners for their unwavering commitment to the company," said Michael Lende, President and CEO of Predictiv AI. "Our goals for 2021 are to continue to extend and strengthen our innovative product portfolio, to ramp up sales of ThermalPass and AlertFleet, both internally as well as through strategic channel partners, and to continue targeting whitespace categories and verticals which we view as innately scalable. In 2021, our focus remains on building the business by increasing revenue and driving shareholder value."
Ich rechne damit, dass sehr kurzfristig die Früchte der vielen vielversprechenden Aktivitäten (vor allem stark zunehmende Umsätze auf Basis des Ausbaus der Vertriebbschiene für die Thermalpass-Produkte) geerntet werden können und dass ein signifikanter Rebound erfolgen wird.
PAI ist einer meiner Tenbagger-Kandidaten für 2021.
Nur meine persönliche Meinung und Einschätzung.