Long time industry leader, Chairman of the Board Patrick Walsh replaces CEO Bill Humphries
DURHAM, N.C., Jan. 13, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Alcami Corporation ("Alcami"), a leading contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO), today announced the resignation of Bill Humphries. Alcami's Board Chair and former Chief Executive Officer Patrick Walsh will serve as Interim CEO, ensuring the continuation of smooth operations and a strong client-centric approach from a proven industry veteran.
"On behalf of the Board, I'd like to express gratitude to Bill for his leadership over the last two years during a critical time of facilities expansion and a global supply chain realignment. He was a strong advocate for our clients and the organization benefited from his leadership. I am personally grateful for his contributions and wish him all the best in his new opportunity," commented Walsh.
Mr. Walsh served as CEO of Alcami on two previous occasions and has served as Chairman over the last four years. In addition to his duties at Alcami, he currently serves as Chairman of ANI Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ: ANIP), Chairman of MedPharm, and is an Operating Partner at Ampersand Capital Partners.
About Alcami
Alcami is a US-based contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO) headquartered in NC with 45+ years of experience advancing pharmaceuticals and biologics from development to delivery. Alcami provides fully integrated lab services, drug product manufacturing, and cGMP pharma storage and support services including environmental monitoring, calibration, and validation. Alcami's private equity ownership includes GHO Capital, The Vistria Group, and Ampersand Capital Partners. For more information, please visit alcami.com.
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SOURCE Alcami Corporation
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