BioGaia signs agreement for its new Oral Rehydration Solution product for Greece

Dienstag, 11.01.2011 10:05 von Hugin - Aufrufe: 224

BioGaia has signed an agreement with Cube Pharmaceuticals giving the company
exclusive rights to distribute BioGaia's new Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS)
product with Lactobacillus reuteri Protectis in Greece. Launch is planned for
summer 2011.
Cube Pharmaceutical, with 25 sales representatives, was founded in 2004 and is a
growing company in sales of pharmaceuticals and nutritional products in Greece.
- The unique combination ORS, being the first worldwide, conveniently combining
the effects of ORS, probiotic and zinc, is one more proof of BioGaia's
innovative profile,
says Evagelos Kalofolia, Managing Director, Cube Pharmaceutical.
- It is gratifying that our new, unique oral rehydration product with Reuteri in
portion packs will be launched in one further market, says Peter Rothschild,
Managing Director,
ORS was developed 50 years ago and has since then been the basis of a modern
treatment of, amongst other indications, children's diarrhoea and
gastroenteritis caused by cholera or rotavirus. WHO and UNICEF, who together
determine the official guidelines for the composition of oral rehydration
solutions, have also recommended a parallel intake of zinc for the treatment of
diarrhoea, particularly in small children.
BioGaia's probiotic ORS product contains Lactobacillus reuteri Protectis, oral
rehydration solution and zinc all ready-mixed in one portion pack.
BioGaia's ORS product is already sold in Sweden and Italy.
For additional information contact:
Peter Rothschild, President, BioGaia: +46 8 555 293 00
Press release January 11 2011:
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Source: BioGaia AB via Thomson Reuters ONE

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