DELRAY BEACH, Fla., July 22, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- DecisionPoint Systems, Inc. (NYSE American: DPSI), a mobility-first enterprise services and solutions company, today announced that Steve Smith, chief executive officer, will ring the closing bell at The New York Stock Exchange on July 22, 2022.
"Our uplisting to the NYSE American in May built on our success in transforming DecisionPoint into a mobility-first, managed services and solutions company," said Steve Smith, chief executive officer. "As we continue to execute on our growth strategy, we expect the increased liquidity and overall exposure within the investment community from being listed on the NYSE will help supplement this strategy to become a much larger player within our target markets. I would like to thank our customers and shareholders for their continued support and our employees for their dedication and commitment."
The Closing Bell will ring at 4:00 p.m. ET, and interested parties may tune in to broadcast media coverage of the bell as well as a live stream on the NYSE's website at: Videos and photos during and following the ceremony will be shared on NYSE's social media channels: YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and on Twitter @NYSE.
About DecisionPoint Systems
DecisionPoint Systems Inc. delivers mobility-first managed service and integration solutions to healthcare, supply chain, and retail customers, enabling them to make better and faster decisions in the moments that matter—the decision points. Our mission is to help businesses consistently deliver on those moments—accelerating growth, improving worker productivity, and lowering risks and costs. For more information about DecisionPoint Systems, Inc., visit
Investor Relations Contact:
Brian Siegel, IRC, MBA
Senior Managing Director, Hayden IR
(346) 396-8696
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SOURCE DecisionPoint Systems, Inc.
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