PR Newswire
OAKLAND, Calif., Oct. 15, 2024
PG&E's Emergency Operations Center is Open and Company Meteorologists and Operations Professionals are Monitoring the Situation
OAKLAND, Calif., Oct. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) meteorologists and operations professionals are monitoring a potential wind event forecasted to enter parts of our service area around noon on Thursday and exit as late as midday Saturday. Given the forecasted strong winds and current dry vegetation conditions, PG&E has begun sending advanced notifications to customers—via text, email, and automated phone call—in targeted areas where power may need to be proactively shut off for safety to reduce wildfire risk. The duration and extent of power outages will depend on the weather in each area, and not all customers will be affected for the entire period.
The potential Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) event could affect approximately 28,000 customers in small portions of several counties, including areas in the North Bay, East Bay, Central Coast, and Sierra Nevadas. PG&E's in-house meteorologists, Emergency Operations Center, and Hazard Awareness & Warning Center (HAWC) continue to monitor conditions closely and will share additional customer notifications as conditions evolve.
When possible, PG&E representatives will make individual, in-person visits to customers enrolled in the company's Medical Baseline Program who do not verify they have received these important safety communications, with a primary focus on customers who rely on electricity for critical life-sustaining equipment.
Potentially Affected Customers, Counties
Customers can look up their address online to find out if their location is being monitored for the potential safety shutoff at
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The potential shutoff is currently expected to affect approximately 28,000 customers across the following counties:
Here's what PG&E customers should know:
Why PG&E Calls a PSPS Event
PG&E initiates PSPS when the fire-weather forecast is severe enough that people's safety, lives, homes and businesses may be in danger of wildfires. Our overarching goal is to stop catastrophic wildfires by proactively turning off power in targeted areas when extreme weather threatens our electric grid. We recognize that PSPS outages create hardships for our customers and communities. Our sole focus is to keep our customers safe.
As each weather situation is unique, we carefully review a combination of factors when deciding if power must be turned off. These factors include but are not limited to:
Our decision-making process also accounts for the presence of trees tall enough to strike powerlines.
This set of criteria is a first step which may lead to further analysis by our meteorology team to determine if a PSPS event is necessary.
Here's Where to Learn More
PG&E's Commitment to Wildfire Safety
Using advanced technologies and rebuilding the electric system from the underground up, we are preventing wildfires, improving reliability and reducing costs over the long term. We are building the energy grid of the future that our customers deserve while also taking immediate steps to keep customers safe.
Our wildfire prevention work relies on layers of protection to make our system safer and more resilient while positioning us to better serve our customers in the short and long term. These tools help us respond to our state's evolving climate challenges:
About PG&E
Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation (NYSE:PCG), is a combined natural gas and electric utility serving more than 16 million people across 70,000 square miles in Northern and Central California. For more information, visit
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SOURCE Pacific Gas and Electric Company
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