Zeitungsständer (Symbolbild).
Dienstag, 28.05.2024 13:06 von GlobeNewswire | Aufrufe: 160

Key information relating to the cash dividend to be paid by Golar LNG Limited (Ticker: GLNG)

Zeitungsständer (Symbolbild). © Global_Pics / iStock Unreleased / Getty Images

Reference is made to the first quarter 2024 report released on May 28, 2024. Golar LNG Limited (“Golar”), NASDAQ ticker: GLNG, has declared a total dividend of $0.25 per share to be paid on or around June 17, 2024.  The record date will be June 10, 2024. 
Due to the implementation of the Central Securities Depository Regulation (“CSDR”), please note the information below on the payment date for the small number of Golar shares registered in Norway’s central securities depository (“VPS”):

  • Dividend amount: $0.25 per share
  • Declared currency: USD. Dividends payable to shares registered in the VPS will be distributed in NOK
  • Last day including right: June 6, 2024
  • Ex-date: June 7, 2024
  • Record date: June 10, 2024
  • Payment date: On or about June 17, 2024. Due to the implementation of CSDR in Norway, dividends payable to shares registered in the VPS will be distributed on or about June 19, 2024.

Golar LNG Limited
Hamilton, Bermuda
May 28, 2024

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act


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