Blick auf eine wehende amerikanische Flagge in der Innenstadt von New York.
Montag, 14.11.2022 20:45 von

SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Weiss Law Investigates Washington Federal, Inc.

Blick auf eine wehende amerikanische Flagge in der Innenstadt von New York. ©

PR Newswire

NEW YORK, Nov. 14, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Weiss Law is investigating possible breaches of fiduciary duty and other violations of law by the board of directors of Washington Federal, Inc. ("Washington Federal" or the "Company") (NASDAQ: WAFD), in connection with its takeover of Luther Burbank Corporation (NASDAQ: LBC). The transaction is valued at approximately $654 million.

If you own Washington Federal shares and wish to discuss this investigation or have any questions concerning this notice or your rights or interests, visit our website:
Or please contact:
Joshua Rubin, Esq.
Weiss Law
305 Broadway, 7th Floor
New York, NY 10007
(212) 682-3025
(888) 593-4771

Weiss Law is investigating whether (i) Washington Federal's board acted in the best interests of Company shareholders in agreeing to the proposed transaction, (ii) the merger consideration is fair to Washington Federal's shareholders, and (iii) all information regarding the sales process and valuation of the transaction will be fully and fairly disclosed. 

Weiss Law has litigated hundreds of stockholder class and derivative actions for violations of corporate and fiduciary duties. We have recovered over a billion dollars for defrauded clients and obtained important corporate governance relief in many of these cases. If you have information or would like legal advice concerning possible corporate wrongdoing (including insider trading, waste of corporate assets, accounting fraud, or materially misleading information), consumer fraud (including false advertising, defective products, or other deceptive business practices), or anti-trust violations, please email us at


Washington Federal Bank Inc Chart

SOURCE Weiss Law


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