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AdTheorent Holding Company Inc -   AdTheorent Holding Company Inc Chart 0,00%
DecisionPoint Systems -   DecisionPoint Systems Chart 0,00%
Macatawa Bank -   Macatawa Bank Chart 0,00%

New York, May 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Halper Sadeh LLC, an investor rights law firm, is investigating the following companies for potential violations of the federal securities laws and/or breaches of fiduciary duties to shareholders relating to:

DecisionPoint Systems, Inc. (NYSE: DPSI)'s sale to an affiliate of Barcoding Holdings, LLC for $10.22 in cash per share. If you are a DecisionPoint shareholder, click here to learn more about your rights and options.

AdTheorent Holding Company, Inc. (NASDAQ: ADTH)'s sale to Cadent, LLC for $3.21 per share. If you are an AdTheorent shareholder, click here to learn more about your rights and options.

Macatawa Bank Corporation (NASDAQ: MCBC)'s sale to Wintrust Financial Corporation. Per the terms of the Proposed Transaction, each share of Macatawa common stock will be converted into the right to receive merger consideration paid in shares of Wintrust common stock based on Wintrust's average trading price at closing determined in accordance with the merger agreement. If you are a Macatawa shareholder, click here to learn more about your rights and options.

Halper Sadeh LLC may seek increased consideration for shareholders, additional disclosures and information concerning the proposed transaction, or other relief and benefits on behalf of shareholders. We would handle the action on a contingent fee basis, whereby you would not be responsible for out-of-pocket payment of our legal fees or expenses.

Shareholders are encouraged to contact the firm free of charge to discuss their legal rights and options. Please call Daniel Sadeh or Zachary Halper at (212) 763-0060 or email or

Halper Sadeh LLC represents investors all over the world who have fallen victim to securities fraud and corporate misconduct. Our attorneys have been instrumental in implementing corporate reforms and recovering millions of dollars on behalf of defrauded investors.

Attorney Advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

Contact Information:
Halper Sadeh LLC
Daniel Sadeh, Esq.
Zachary Halper, Esq.
(212) 763-0060

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SOURCE Halper Sadeh LLP

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