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Donnerstag, 09.02.2023 07:00 von

Silver Valley Metals Reports Significant Exploration Results from the Blackhawk Mine and Surrounding Target Area at its Ranger-Page Project in the Silver Valley, Northern Idaho, USA

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PR Newswire

VANCOUVER, BC, Feb. 9, 2023 /PRNewswire/ - Silver Valley Metals Corp. (TSXV: SILV) (OTCQB: SVMFF) ("Silver Valley" or the "Company"), a brownfields exploration Company with two potential high impact projects that comprise silver-zinc-lead located in north Idaho, USA and lithium - potassium (sulphate of potash) located in Zacatecas and San Luis Potosi, Mexico respectively, is pleased to provide strong exploration results from its Blackhawk Mine target at the Ranger-Page Project, Silver Valley, Idaho.

To view the exploration results in a compelling 3-D multi-media audio-video click: https://tinyurl.com/yc7327fs 


  • Significant near surface coincident Induced Polarization and Resistivity anomaly matching historical trend of the Blackhawk Mine.
  • Strike and dip length of the coincident anomalies is approximately 480 and 200 meters respectively located up plunge from the first level of the Blackhawk mine.
  • Mine remains open at depth below the 1200' level (465 metres below elevation); no drilling has tested the down plunge extension of the Blackhawk mine.
  • Strike length of the mineralized silver-zinc-lead Curlew vein at the bottom of the Blackhawk mine is approximately 370 metres
  • Zinc, lead, and copper – strong anomalous geochemistry results collected on surface and coincident with geophysics.
  • Historic mining at Blackhawk: 214,126 tonnes grading 100 g/t silver, 2.2% zinc and 8.1% lead – limited past recovery of zinc.
  • One of seven high priority large target areas defined from 2022 exploration campaign constrained within a 3km x 2km area.

To view exploration results in presentation format, click: https://tinyurl.com/3kverpeh

"The Blackhawk target has always been considered one of the highest priority targets prior to the first exploration program," comments CEO, Brandon Rook. With the exploration results now in hand, the Blackhawk target appears larger than first contemplated. The ground Induced Polarization and Resistivity geophysical surveys and coincident geochemical results verify the target and with a planned inaugural drill program scheduled in 2023 there is a significant target to drill near the surface. A successful drilling program at Blackhawk would be a great step forward, as access to the upper mineralization occurrence would be cost-effective and would enhance the economics of the lower Blackhawk target which is the continuation at depth of the historic Blackhawk mine."

The deepest stope (where the ore is mined) in the Blackhawk mine is situated 465m below surface, making it reachable from a surface drilling platform. The Company believes the Curlew vein (Blackhawk mine) is consistent with other significant deposits in the Silver Valley, and has the potential to increase in width, grade, and strike length with depth, if it intersects favorable host rocks, such as the Revett formation which the Company believes is likely based on the recent geological modeling of underground maps. 

Silver Valley Metals' Ranger-Page project, Blackhawk mine exploration target area.   located in the Silver Valley of north Idaho. New drill target areas including the Upper and Lower Blackhawk Mine targets.  Recent geophysical IP and surface geochemical exploration activities conducted at the Blackhawk Mine target highlighted areas in which elevated chargeability and resistivity anomalies were identified, consistent with elevated metals values evident in surface geochemical results. (CNW Group/Silver Valley Metals Corp.)


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To view an enhanced version: Blackhawk Target Area: please click https://tinyurl.com/3udp7d2t

Silver Valley Metals' Ranger-Page project, Blackhawk mine geophysics IP anomaly, located in the Silver Valley of north Idaho. New drill target areas including the Upper and Lower Blackhawk Mine targets.  Recent geophysical IP and surface geochemical exploration activities conducted at the Blackhawk Mine target resulted in significant new targets (highlighted in green) for potential drilling above and below historical mining areas where modern exploration technologies are being used for the first (CNW Group/Silver Valley Metals Corp.)

To view an enhanced version: Blackhawk Mine Target please click: https://tinyurl.com/bdfdruf9

The Blackhawk mine ceased operations in 1944 after 21 years of operation when the owner of the Page Mine, ASARCO, discontinued operations despite the presence of mineralization in the deepest stopes. The Blackhawk mine was leased by ASARCO from the Blackhawk mine owners at that time to optimize ASARCO's Page mine mill. Silver Valley Metals entered into an option agreement to acquire 100% of the historic Page Mine – see press release 11/18/2021 click: https://tinyurl.com/23rjcbjf

The Page Mine has exploration drilling with compelling intercepts that extend mineralization beyond the high-grade historical resources located at the bottom of the mine - see news release dated September 20, 2022 – click: https://tinyurl.com/mwdpu6fn

The Blackhawk target is located 1,000 metres east from the Company's high-grade and top ten past-producer in the District, Page Mine, and located 650 metres due west from the high-grade silver dominant past producing Crown Point Mine (option to own for Silver Valley – see news release dated January 26, 2023, for exploration results at Crown Point: https://tinyurl.com/4m7uymtv

 The Blackhawk Mine and target area is one of seven high priority target areas that the Company has defined from its successful 2022 exploration campaign. Importantly, all high priority areas are constrained to a relatively small area approximately 3 kilometres X 2 kilometres and each target shows significant strike and depth potential.

Silver Valley Metals' Ranger-Page project, Blackhawk mine exploration target, located in the Silver Valley of north Idaho. Recent exploration activities were successful and have identified new zones that will be considered for a future diamond core drilling program. Modern technologies are being used for the first time at the historic Blackhawk mine by Silver Valley Metals, including geophysical induced polarization and surface geochemical analysis. Mines on Silver Valley Metals' Ranger-Page pro (CNW Group/Silver Valley Metals Corp.)

To view an enhanced version of New Drill Target Areas, click. https://tinyurl.com/3js3drpn

Geophysics Interpretation:

The ground Induced Polarization and Resistivity surveys indicate a significant anomaly exists above the existing Blackhawk stopes, with an interpreted plunge line matching the historical trend of the Blackhawk Mine indicating the system is open up-plunge and along the same dip.

The background Induced Polarization readings observed at the Blackhawk host rocks was measured at 0-4 msec, as compared to the background observed at the Prichard formation (+20 msec) located north of the Blackhawk target. The Blackhawk Induced Polarization anomaly ranges between 6 and 20 msec, which is an anomalous result from the widespread dataset accumulated during the program. Resistivity values are locally elevated (1,000 to +2,000 ohm) up plunge of the Blackhawk stopes, and coincident with the polarization results, indicating the likely presence of silicification, an alteration closely associated with mineral occurrences in the Coeur d'Alene mining district. The strike and dip length of the anomaly is approximately 480 and 200 meters respectively. This ground Induced Polarization survey is the first-time modern exploration techniques have been deployed at the Blackhawk Mine to identify additional mineralization, and this result represents a significant step forward in our evaluation of the target. 

Geochemical Program:

A surface geochemical program was initiated to further validate the ground geophysics targets. Samples were collected from the B and C soil horizons on a 30-metre spacing. At each location, a pit was dug until refusal (could not dig deeper). The B and C soil horizons were sampled separately to assess and compare geochemical results from Ranger-Page weathered bedrock and soils to results published in other Silver Valley geochemical studies. Samples were described, photographed, staked and location data collected via GPS. Results were loaded into Leapfrog Geo and displayed via a proportional grade plot to highlight high values. 

To view the presentation, geochemical results please click here: https://tinyurl.com/3kverpeh

Results over the Blackhawk target are summarized below. The results are consistent with the Company's expectation of a zinc-lead system with lesser silver, in line with historic production records. Background levels of lead, zinc and copper in the project area are typically 10 ppm, 40 ppm, 6 ppm respectively based on all 2022 geochemical data. Average lead, zinc and copper values measured over Blackhawk are 59, 87 and 10 ppm respectively. Anomalous values for lead, zinc and copper are 379, 183 and 22 ppm respectively. Trace element vector analysis is ongoing, and we expect it will further validate the target.

Geochemical Results:

B Horizon Geochemical Results:









Sample ID





































































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