Galena Biopharma positive data from Phase 2

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Insider trades Jan14-FEB14

14.02.14 18:08

Insider Relation Last Date  Transaction Type OwnerType Shares Traded Last Price Shares Held
GALLIKER STEPHEN S Director 02/03/2014 Sell direct 300,000 4.1768 10,000
GALLIKER STEPHEN S Director 02/03/2014 Option Execute direct 300,000 0.7200 310,000
HILLSBERG SANFORD Director 01/30/2014 Sell direct 250,000 5.4100 17,974
HILLSBERG SANFORD Director 01/30/2014 Disposition (Non Open Market) indirect 15,000 0.0000 95,447
HILLSBERG SANFORD Director 01/30/2014 Option Execute direct 250,000 1.1800 267,974
SCHWARTZ MARK W. Officer 01/30/2014 Sell direct 100,000 5.5650 409,665
CHIN RICHARD Director 01/30/2014 Sell direct 75,000 5.5700  
CHIN RICHARD Director 01/30/2014 Option Execute direct 75,000 0.7200 75,000
NISI RUDOLPH Director 01/29/2014 Sell direct 250,000 5.2800 3,500
NISI RUDOLPH Director 01/29/2014 Option Execute direct 250,000 0.7200 253,500
AHN MARK J Officer 01/27/2014 Sell direct 796,765 4.8300 113,764
AHN MARK J Officer 01/27/2014 Option Execute direct 796,765 0.7200 918,529
KRIEGSMAN STEVEN A Director 01/22/2014 Sell direct 250,000 6.1300 5,000
KRIEGSMAN STEVEN A Director 01/22/2014 Option Execute direct 250,000 0.7200 255,000
NISI RUDOLPH Director 01/17/2014 Sell direct 200,000 6.9000

Read more:

Zitat Mark Ahn, CEO Galena: “I've been a board member since 2007 and CEO since 2011, and invested my own money in the company at inception and have purchased shares along the way. We've grown the company from $20 to $500 million market cap. I sold less than 20% of my equity position to diversify for my family. I'm contracted as the CEO and fully committed to the company's success and building significant further value for all shareholders.”

My response to Mark Ahn, today: I am a small investor from Germany. I sold my position today because I never trust longer in Galena because of your non communication policy concerning your and your board members insider trades since January, 2014.


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14.02.14 19:37

Kann Deinen Frust gut nachvollziehen. Ein "Insider" (Nisi) musste jetzt sogar so eine Art Strafe an Galena zahlen: "The reporting person has agreed to pay to GALE $43,487.78, representing the full amount of the profit realized in connection with the short-swing transaction."

Und Chin hat auch noch schnell welche "geschmissen":


Pomerantz 'untersucht' die Galena-Vorgänge

14.02.14 22:03

p.s. Die Kanzlei dürfte u.a. Ariad-Shareholdern (und nichts nur denen) bestens bekannt sein...


Und ein etwas positiverer Artikel

14.02.14 22:08

p.s. Schätze aber, durch die Pomerantz-Geschichte könnte es kurzfristig weiter gen Süden gehen. Nur meine Meinung und keine Empfehlung... ;-)


@Staylongstaycoll conc. #128

14.02.14 22:15
Danke für den Hinweis. Das ist die Stellungnahme vom CEO Mark Ahn, die m.E. schon viel früher hätte kommen müssen...  


14.02.14 22:56
Ja, aber 1. hätte man das mit der "Stock Promotion" ein wenig ausführlicher "erklären" sollen und 2. kennst Du als Ariad-Aktionär sicherlich auch die Pomerantz-"Maschinerie", denn der Stock Alert dürfte noch heute Abend um die ganze Welt gehen. Werde am WE noch einmal alles überdenken, ein weiterer Rücksetzer durch die Pomerantz-Geschichte  wäre für mich durchaus interessant, um evtl. wieder mit einer Trading Posi einzusteigen...


14.02.14 23:10
So ist es. War ja auch nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis die erste Anwaltskanzlei mit dem Versuch eine Sammelklage aufzustellen, an die Öffentlichkeit geht. Aber ohne mich....-:).
Wegen des Feiertages "Washington´s Birthday" am Montag, bleiben die Börsen in den USA geschlossen. Mal sehen, was nachhaltig passiert

Kurse verlocken zum einsteigen/aufstocken, aber

16.02.14 03:10
inwiefern werden die Amerikaner auf den Zug von Fred und Jim aufsteigen? Die Psychologie ist jedenfalls grad ein Feind von Galena. biotech
onkel james:

Weiß gar nicht warum so

16.02.14 10:23
über die Klagen diskutiert wird.

Ist fast bei jeder Ami Aktie so, dass nach großen Kursanstiegen und entsprechenden Rücksetzern Klagen kommen, wenn es auch nur gewisse Hinweise auf Insideraktionen gibt.

Da sind die Amis völlig bekloppt btw. die oben eingestiegenene schlechte Verlierer.

Werde Montag eine Position aufbauen, das gröbste ist überstanden und der Anstieg hatte ja entsprechende Spekulationen als Grundlage.

Lasst mal das lange WE in Amerika vorbei sein, tippe Dienstag auf eine deutliche Kurserholung und dann wird wieder alles rosarot gesehen.

Intraday ist am Freitag doch schon die Talsohle durchschritten worden.

Mien Tipp Ende: Ende der Woche steht der Kurs zwischen 4,5-5 Dollar !

Interessanter Bericht

20.02.14 12:05

p.s. Vielleicht könnte VanZant zu den inhaltlichen Aspekten etwas schreiben... ;-)


Kindred Biosciences Inc.

21.02.14 22:11
Ich möchte hier einmal auf mein Posting vom 7.2. verweisen. Offenbar haben die Galena-Direktoren ein "gutes Näschen" für Investments, denn Kindred Biopharma befindet sich seit dem Einstieg im Höhenflug... ;-)

@Staylongstaycool betr #136

24.02.14 22:47
Werde mir den Artikel genauer durchlesen. Möchte die Patientendaten zu der rezidivfreien Zeit ganz gerne mit unseren Patientendaten (unabhängig davon, ob die Patientinnen an einer klinischen Studie teilgenommen haben oder nicht) vergleichen. Melde mich noch mal ausführlicher dazu....


24.02.14 23:25
Danke. Hast Du Dir evtl. mal diese Kindred-Firma angeschaut? Heute schon wieder fast 5 Prozent im Plus. Schon seltsam das Ganze...


25.02.14 23:10
Wer bei Kindred investiert, muß ein wirklicher Tierliebhaber sein.... Ehrliche Antwort von mir: nicht so mein Ding. Aber auch ich habe mich bei einem "wow" ertappt, der Kurs hebt wirklich ab....

Die schlechten News reißen nicht ab

04.03.14 08:55


04.03.14 23:58
... da muß ich nicht mal meine Datenbank filtern um zu erkennen, daß die Erkrankungsfreie Überlebenszeit in den beiden Gruppen keinen signifikanten Unterschied macht..  Das ist halt das Problem bei klinischen Studien, wenn man sich Endpunkte über einen begrenzten Zeitraum setzt. Viel wichtiger sind m.E. langjährige Follow up Beobachtungen der Patienten, um einen Aussagekräften Beweis zu erhalten, ob NeuVax anderen Therapieformen wirklich überlegen ist... (das soll ja mit der Phase 3 Studie untersucht werden...).  

Die schlechten Nachrichten häufen sich......

06.03.14 17:19
Unabhängig davon, wie die Sammelklagen im Einzelnen zu bewerten sind: der Aktienkurs rauscht weiter gegen Süden... . Neuvax betreffend kommt Mark Ahn, GALENA immer mehr in Erklärungsnot. Bleibt nur noch zu hoffen, das mit der Marktexpansion für Abstral sublingual die Verkaufserlöse gesteigert werden können.
Ich habe vor einigen Wochen hier in diesem Thread Galena Biopharma eine ähnliche Erfolgsgeschichte wie Insys Therapeutics zugetraut. Davon ist Galena Biopharma meilenweit entfernt....

Behind The Scenes With Dream Team, CytRx And Galen

15.03.14 11:39

Und als Zuschlag, falls noch nicht bekannt:
Get your opiates for free: Capitalism meets the zombie apocalypse

Pardon An Insider's Tale of a Stock Promotion Plan

15.03.14 11:40
Pardon, jetzt mit richtiger Linkszuordnung:

An Insider's Tale of a Stock Promotion Plan

Behind The Scenes With Dream Team, CytRx And Galena

Get your opiates for free: Capitalism meets the zombie apocalypse

Galena Biopharma Reports4Q Year End 13 Results

17.03.14 22:00
Source:, 17-MAR-2017, after hours


01.07.14 13:59
Jul 1, 2014

Galena Biopharma Receives Notice of Allowance of Broad U.S. Patent for NeuVax(TM) (nelipepimut-S)
Allowed Claims Cover the Use of NeuVax Alone or in Combination to Prevent Recurrence of Any Her2/neu Expressing Tumor Having a FISH Rating of Less Than About 2.0

PORTLAND, Ore., July 1, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Galena Biopharma, Inc. (Nasdaq:GALE), a biopharmaceutical company developing and commercializing innovative, targeted oncology treatments that address major unmet medical needs to advance cancer care, today announced the notice of allowance of a U.S. Patent for NeuVax™ (nelipepimut-S) covering the use of NeuVax alone or in combination to prevent recurrence of any HER2/neu expressing tumor having a fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) rating of less than about 2.0. NeuVax is a peptide immunotherapy for the prevention of cancer recurrence and is Galena's lead development agent in multiple ongoing and planned clinical trials. Once issued, the patent will expire in 2028, not including any patent term extensions.

FISH is a diagnostic test used to identify patients with high levels of HER2 gene expression, or FISH greater than 2.0. These patients are eligible for existing approved HER2-directed treatments. Currently there are no approved HER2-directed therapies for patients who express lower levels of HER2, or less than 2.0 by the FISH testing scale.

The patent will cover the use of NeuVax in patients with a FISH of less then about 2.0, as a stand-alone therapy or in combination with an adjuvant and/or other agents (e.g. other drugs such as Herceptin® (trastuzumab; Genentech/Roche)). Importantly, this NeuVax patent provides Galena with coverage for any tumor expressing low-to-intermediate levels of HER2.

"This allowance further strengthens our broad patent estate for NeuVax, covering all tumor types expressing low-to-intermediate levels of HER2 both as a monotherapy and in combination with other agents," said Mark J. Ahn, Ph.D., President and Chief Executive Officer. "Our clinical development program with NeuVax continues to grow with ongoing and planned clinical trials in breast and gastric cancers. We look forward to completing enrollment in our Phase 3 PRESENT trial this year and advancing NeuVax in other programs to prevent cancer recurrence for patients."

About NeuVax™ (nelipepimut-S)

NeuVax™ (nelipepimut-S) is the immunodominant nonapeptide derived from the extracellular domain of the HER2 protein, a well-established target for therapeutic intervention in breast carcinoma. The nelipepimut-S sequence stimulates specific CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) following binding to HLA-A2/A3 molecules on antigen presenting cells (APC). These activated specific CTLs recognize, neutralize and destroy, through cell lysis, HER2 expressing cancer cells, including occult cancer cells and micrometastatic foci. The nelipepimut immune response can also generate CTLs to other immunogenic peptides through inter- and intra-antigenic epitope spreading. Based on a successful Phase 2 trial, which achieved its primary endpoint of disease-free survival (DFS), the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted NeuVax a Special Protocol Assessment (SPA) for its Phase 3 PRESENT ( Prevention of Recurrence in Early-Stage, Node-Positive Breast Cancer with Low to Intermediate HER2 Expression with NeuVax Treatment) study. The PRESENT trial is ongoing and additional information on the study can be found at A randomized, multicenter investigator sponsored, 300 patient Phase 2b clinical trial is also enrolling patients to study NeuVax in combination with Herceptin® (trastuzumab; Genentech/Roche).

About Galena Biopharma

Galena Biopharma, Inc. (Nasdaq:GALE) is a Portland, Oregon-based biopharmaceutical company developing and commercializing innovative, targeted oncology treatments that address major unmet medical needs to advance cancer care. For more information visit

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements include, but are not limited to, statements about the progress of the development of Galena's NeuVax product candidate,  as well as statements about our expectations, plans and prospects. These forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions, including those identified under "Risk Factors" in Galena's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2013 and most recent Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q filed with the SEC. Actual results may differ materially from those contemplated by these forward-looking statements.  


22.07.14 13:55
Jul 22, 2014
Previous Release
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Galena Biopharma Enters Into Definitive Agreement to License U.S. Rights for Zuplenz(R) (ondansetron) Oral Soluble Film

   Novel, rapidly dissolving oral PharmFilm® enables faster absorption, increased convenience and better compliance for patients.
   Planned launch in multiple indications—chemotherapy-, radiation- and post operative-induced nausea and vomiting—in early 2015.
   FDA-Approved product to be added to Galena's established oncology commercial team.

PORTLAND, Ore., July 22, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Galena Biopharma, Inc. (Nasdaq:GALE), a biopharmaceutical company developing and commercializing innovative, targeted oncology treatments that address major unmet medical needs to advance cancer care, today announced it has entered into a definitive agreement to license the U.S. rights for the commercial product Zuplenz® (ondansetron) oral soluble film. The asset was licensed from MonoSol Rx, LLC, the developer of the oral soluble film technology, PharmFilm®, and manufacturer of the product.

Zuplenz was approved in 2010 by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in adult patients for the prevention of highly and moderately emetogenic chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV), radiotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (RINV), and post-operative nausea and vomiting (PONV).  Zuplenz is also approved in pediatric patients for moderately emetogenic CINV. Nausea and vomiting are two of the most common side-effects experienced by post-surgery patients and patients receiving chemotherapy or radiation. It is estimated that up to 90% of chemotherapy and up to 80% of radiotherapy patients will experience CINV and RINV respectively.

The active pharmaceutical ingredient in Zuplenz, ondansetron, is used to prevent nausea and vomiting caused by cancer chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery. Ondansetron belongs to a class of medications called serotonin 5-HT3 receptor antagonists and works by blocking the action of serotonin, a natural substance that may cause nausea and vomiting.  According to data from Wolters Kluwer, the oral 5-HT3 market exceeds $1 billion in the U.S.

Zuplenz utilizes MonoSol Rx's proprietary PharmFilm® technology, an oral soluble film that dissolves on the tongue in less than thirty seconds. This rapidly dissolving, oral soluble film eliminates the burden of swallowing pills during periods of emesis and in cases of oral irritation, therefore increasing patient adherence and reducing emergency room visits and hospitalization due to a lack of patient compliance or the patient's inability to keep the medication down without vomiting. Zuplenz is supplied in both 4 mg and 8 mg ondansetron doses with a safety profile equivalent to other products in the class.

"We believe the innovative product benefits of Zuplenz, combined with our experienced oncology sales team, will create significant acceleration and leverage to our commercial product portfolio," said Mark J. Ahn, Ph.D., President and Chief Executive Officer of Galena Biopharma. "Our commercial franchise was established last year with the acquisition of Abstral® for the treatment of breakthrough cancer pain. Adding Zuplenz to our commercial portfolio enhances our offering of supportive care products that are simple to take and provide reliable dosing to improve the quality of life for patients suffering from cancer or recovering from surgery and the associated side-effects."

Galena has entered into an exclusive license and supply agreement with MonoSol Rx, the effectiveness of which is subject to the court approval of a settlement that MonoSol Rx has reached with a former licensee of Zuplenz.  Under the terms of the license agreement, upon effectiveness of the license and transfer to Galena of the New Drug Application (NDA) for Zuplenz, Galena will pay MonoSol Rx a total of $5,000,000 in cash and stock. The license agreement also provides for fixed double-digit royalties on net sales and pre-specified, one-time sales milestones. Zuplenz has issued and pending U.S. patent applications with an anticipated expiration date of 2029. Galena expects to launch Zuplenz in early 2015.

"MonoSol Rx has established our proprietary PharmFilm technology in multiple approved and pipeline products, including Zuplenz and Suboxone®. We believe Galena's established, oncology focused commercial team understands the advantages of our PharmFilm technology and can successfully commercialize Zuplenz in all three indications," concluded, A. Mark Schobel, Co-President and CEO of MonoSol Rx.

About Zuplenz® (ondansetron) Oral Soluble Film

Zuplenz® (ondansetron) Oral Soluble Film is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).  Zuplenz is approved in adult patients for the prevention of highly and moderately emetogenic chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV), radiotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (RINV), and post-operative nausea and vomiting (PONV). Zuplenz is also approved in pediatric patients for moderately emetogenic CINV. Nausea and vomiting are two of the most common side-effects experienced by post-surgery patients and patients receiving chemotherapy or radiation.

Zuplenz utilizes the proprietary PharmFilm® technology as an oral soluble film that dissolves on the tongue in under 30 seconds.   This rapidly dissolving film eliminates the burden of swallowing pills during periods of emesis and in cases of oral irritation, therefore increasing patient adherence and reducing emergency visits and hospitalization due to a lack of patient compliance or the patient's inability to keep their treatment down without vomiting.  Zuplenz is supplied in both 4 mg and 8 mg ondansetron doses with a safety profile equivalent to other products in the class.

About Chemotherapy-, Radiation- and Post Operative-Induced Nausea and Vomiting

It is estimated that up to 90% of patients receiving chemotherapy experience CINV and up to 80% of patients undergoing radiotherapy will experience RINV. For patients, CINV/RINV is among the most feared and distressing side effects, and uncontrolled or poorly controlled CINV/RINV can cause patients to be malnourished or dehydrated, have electrolyte imbalances, or experience physical and mental deterioration. In extreme cases, patients may choose to discontinue beneficial therapy because of this side effect.

Postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) is one of the most commonly occurring complications as a result of anesthesia and/or the pain medications given during surgery. PONV results in high levels of patient discomfort and dissatisfaction, and can result in increased recovery room time, expanded nursing care, and potential hospital admission—all factors that may increase total health care costs.

About MonoSol Rx

MonoSol Rx is a specialty pharmaceutical company leveraging its proprietary PharmFilm® technology to develop products which address the unmet needs of patients. PharmFilm® is designed to benefit patients by improving the convenience, efficacy, and compliance of new and currently marketed drugs.  The Company's leadership in film drug delivery is supported by strong intellectual property, a pipeline of prescription formulations based on PharmFilm® technology, and two FDA approvals - Zuplenz®, the first approved prescription oral soluble film for the prevention of chemotherapy-induced, radiotherapy-induced, and postoperative nausea and vomiting, and Suboxone® sublingual film, the first sublingual film product for the treatment of opioid dependence. For press releases and other company information visit

About Galena Biopharma

Galena Biopharma, Inc. (Nasdaq:GALE) is a Portland, Oregon-based biopharmaceutical company developing and commercializing innovative, targeted oncology treatments that address major unmet medical needs to advance cancer care. For more information visit

Zahlen kommen nachbörslich am 11.8.

29.07.14 14:50
Jul 29, 2014
Previous Release
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Galena Biopharma to Report Second Quarter 2014 Financial Results on Monday, August 11, 2014

PORTLAND, Ore., July 29, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Galena Biopharma, Inc. (Nasdaq:GALE), a biopharmaceutical company developing and commercializing innovative, targeted oncology treatments that address major unmet medical needs to advance cancer care, today announced that the Company will report its second quarter financial results on Monday, August 11, 2014 after the close of the financial markets. The company will host a conference call following the announcement at 2:00 p.m. P.T./5:00 pm E.T. to discuss financial and business results.

The conference call can be accessed by dialing (844) 825-4413 toll-free in the United States, or (973) 638-3403 for participants outside the U.S. The Conference ID number is: 78727492. The conference call will also be webcast live and available under the Investors section/Events and Presentations on the Company's website at The archived webcast replay will be available on the Company's website for 90 days.

CEO Mark Ahn angeblich gefeuert

21.08.14 14:13

Feuersteins Vermutung, dass das im Zusammenhang mit der "stock promotion" steht, liegt natürlich sehr nah. Mal sehen, wie der Kurs heute reagiert...

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3 245 GALENA BIOPHARMA-Wert mit Zukunft? Heron kwhistler 25.04.21 03:05
3 150 Galena Biopharma positive data from Phase 2 Theologe Staylongstaycool 25.04.21 01:02
  56 BiopharmX vs Neothetics vs Galena Temesta logall 24.04.21 23:13
  2 Events & Presentations Heron Heron 15.11.16 13:52
